Enough is enough now (Kidney Shot)

Yeah exactly, mage allow them to completely be out of touch when the go is over (and especially fiez mage cause 3 school of magic and cc).
Imo the frost and arcane version one are also a really different story.

When I see other rogue comp the class completely seems squishy overall and require you to not play Yolo and waist stuff otherwise you die.
So if they nerf rogue cause of rmx issue it’s gonna ruin all other comp possibilities which is terrible.

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When I see people saying that kidney dont do dmg I stop reading :joy:

Like the rogue would just “wasted” his cp’s to make 7 second stun lol

That was the stupidest thing ive read on this forum


exactly. I play mostly 2s and when i face for example rogue healer its soo much different and much easier to deal with for me than facing rogue/fmage. Their synergy and different cc, options to peel and reset the fight together is the key the rogue on its own is strong non the less but i dont thinks he is broken. Ofcourse tweeks here and there could be done, but nothing to drastic in my opinion. I dont know i am not high rating player so i guess my opinion is irrelevant , but that’s how i view it.

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It is important to know what you complain about instead of just whining for the thrill of it.

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It literally does 0 dmg unless you are assa with the talent for it?

For this he needs to play deeper and his opponent not be an orc or human with rele. Which is like 95% of all games. So on average your stun is 5.6 sec or something like that

I am Rdruid main. Do I have to post with that as well?
Bicmex is a hunter and one of the highest rated guys in the world? What’s your point?

Just read your posts, you’ll find actual stupid bs.

what level of intelligence you are talking about? hunters literally have stun/trap for 12+ seconds and all you have to do is afk behind pillar while your auto attack pets do dmg for you even survival is strong enough to range kill a caster without getting in melee range not even talking about the legendary hunters had for 3 seasons literally spammable feign death oh and MM hunter that does double 40k aimed shots very skillful

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it is business practice. try selling a product nobody likes. guess what? you will improve it so somebody will buy it.
stupid mentality are the elite trolls that dont understand simple business decisions.
hardcore players are not even remotely relevant for revenue. if you kill the base (casual) game is dead.

right, my instant queues and the crazy full lfg comes to mind. oh wait 1h queues for a rng bg outside prime time, dead rbg lfg and basically only 2s lfg is the pinnicle of participation high.

fuel cars will be outdate and we will syop driving them soon. your point?
game has changed so much that abilities are outdated and some otheres were nerfed already and some even flat out removed.

ah right instead of making the game.fun, everyone should just stop playing. hey you are a genius. hope you never lead a company though

instant queues? depending when you play. at morning and night there are no queues.
and instant queues to always face the same team probably wont count.

you do you, but if anything the constant stream of complains about rmp and other trash including the snorefest that is awc followed buy the garbanzo gear upgrade system and clown fiesta bgs with crazy ilvl gap shows exactly a great game.

guess you rate SL 10/10 while most other would put it somewhere between 1-5 on the rating score


??? If nobody liked the product, you’d notice.
Look at you, you are subbed. So if you don’t like it, what’s the conclusion? You are an addict? Well, ok.
The devs tried to make the game casual friendly, most of those attempt damaged the game. LFG is an example.
Do you even understand that making games super casual friendly usually ends up the community being toxic af? Go figure.

Nobody cares about RBGs?

Yet nobody will stop driving cars? What’s hard to understand?

Old doesn’t mean bad. Just because you struggle to comprehend something, it’s not bad.

If the game is not fun, people won’t play it and it will change naturally. Just because you are pissed about some aspects which you knew BEFORE getting into, it doesn’t make the whole game bad. And fyi I sold 2 companies and retired a few years ago :joy:

Not really. Unless when everyone sleeps obviously.

I played over thousands games and didn’t really run into same people. This happening at higher ratings is not really shocking tho. At low ratings it literally didn’t happen a single time to me.

Who cares? You obviously are new to WoW. This trash train exists since TBC.
And instead of crying around go look up arena participation from previous expansions. Go dig out some old posts and see what people left there.

Tbh it’s possible if you wear immune trinket xD

Comment of the year award goes to… xd

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you mean like yourself?
troll much


Never played LFG?
Do you want to pretend people view other people like actual people in M+ LFG? They are literally a random number and nobody gives a fk. Same goes for RBG and Arenas. That was not like that pre LFG.
If you going to claim LFG is not toxic, you are the troll here :slight_smile: (or you are just simply not playing the game)

Casuals are ruining everything man … This casuals who ever made them, everything bad in the game is because of them …/sarcasm… No matter that even hardcores asked for lfg back in the day, its all because of casuals… Tryhards and hardcores are not toxic its the casuals which are toxic :rofl: :rofl: …Dont bother mate its pointless.

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You can claim that, nobody cares. Every sane person knows that LFG is made and designed for casuals. “Hardcore” players already do have a group, they couldn’t care less.

You got it almost right. The casuals who act like they are hardcore people are toxic. They want their azz carried in pretty much every content.
But feel free to claim M+ or RBGs LFG is not a toxic environment. Nobody gives a fk about your individual skill level. You just need the “right” class and spec.
How was it back in the days? People on the server knew you and nobody cared what you are coming with, nobody gave a fk about your class or gear as long as it was viable for the content. Wanna disagree? Good luck coping.

Hahhaha I see you in every thread spewing bs XD

I am sure the casual dad who has 2h to play every weekend is the person leaving on the last boss out of anger. Blaming casuals for being toxic is just hilarious.

Toxic people are the insecure people who wants to let out their anger on others. Just like you do much yourself.


You mean like you do? While literally not disproving my point?
All you just did was literally:

it is toxic but not because of casuals… But no worries, casual hater like you will never understand that.

nobody cares for your claims either. you cannot prove anything, you are being toxic to everybody who has different view than yours and to casuals… So as i said its pointless you are incapable of having a discussion without being toxic .

hahahah … sure … and the proof is - “trust me bro” … you are the definition of delusional mate. There are various reasons why M+ and LFG is toxic, and the main one is the game is promoting toxicity, for example when I try to make my key and a toxic tryhard leaves at the last boss, my key gets depleted and i am punished because he left this design promotes toxicity and has nothing to do with casuals and is 1 component of why the environment is so toxic, but you can blame casuals for everything nobody cares.

Everybody is allowed to have their own point of view and their opinion. the forums are for discussions, but instead of having a discussion you prefer to be toxic to people which dont share your point of view. You are one of the biggest reason the game is in such state and the community too and why blizzard stopped paying attention to the forums long time ago, not the casuals.

Also the message was a replay to other person so please stop tagging me. I am not interested in talking with you. Have a great day and have fun!


And this exactly proves my point?
Also, I am a casual myself.

I don’t need prove anything. It’s common sense? And everyone who played back then knows it was made mainly for casuals, because they couldn’t find a group back then. They didn’t bother to organize anything and pre-made groups had no reason to take casuals. If you don’t graps it, idk what to say.

You mean literally like you? I don’t agree with you and you call me toxic? Isn’t that being toxic? Just because I have different opinion, which is again based an facts? I “claim” LFG is toxic, which everyone knows and you come out and spread some bs without any facts while demanding evidence? Kinda stupid.

How delusional can you be? Boosting literally exists because ordinary players cba carrying the lazy casuals anymore who are not willing to put half the effort required? How do you think boosting became a thing?.. omg…

Ye good job, we all been there. What you forgot to mention are all the fails before, which are usually just stupid and which again is usually the reason why you didn’t finish the key in time. You find it toxic when people leave. Some people find it toxic when you are not pressing the buttons. It’s that simple.

Then don’t? No self control?

I can just imagine how your keys look like. People like you are the reason why other casuals suffer and are not getting invited for a casual +15 weekly run, which already is freakin’ easy.

you - its toxic because of casuals;
me - its not toxic because of casuals;
you - exactly that proves my point …

mhm … okay?

try to read again mate. Maybe if you double read you will understand better what i wrote and that it has nothing to do with why LFG is created by WHY It is toxic…

casual players dont care about achievements nto gear they play for fun, lazy tryhards do that but as i said you can believe in tooth fairy …

yes i find it toxic when someone leave because of 1 wipe which was not even caused by me but another person from the party which also is not punished for it but i am… you really dont know how common is tank to make a mistake wipe the whole group then a dps leave and me as a healer and key owner get punished for it without making even a single mistake … This design promotes toxicity and if you dont see that then you really are on hard copium.

You are the one pinging me when i didnt even talked to you…

Anyways as i said i am not interested in talking with you anymore so dont expect anymore answers for me.

Have a good day.

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