Entanglement: Worst affix in history

I’d take x2 bursting, or Five ghosts, or “Return from the dead”(forgot name) thing or WHATEVER over entagle.

Entagle means you have to play around a slow, a stun, and no-casting + doing tactics.
It can literally wipe a person off the face of the earth if its timed to X mechanic.

Can we… PLEASE… replace it with … idk… DUCK affix? “You become a duck and occassionally quack out dmg for 5 seconds”, idk. ANything.

Entangled is not fun.

// Signed, a sad, annoyed and old-fart player.

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People complain about everything :roll_eyes: It is one of the easiest affixes out there. Nothing hard about Entangling. Just pull the vine and that is it.
Affixes which I really like:

  • Entangling
  • Incorporeal
  • Volcanic
  • Storming

They do nothing if you do the mechanics for them.

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Just shapeshift. :slight_smile:

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Jesus, is there any affix ppl wont whine about?

Entangling is easy as can be.


you are druid and whining about entanglement … you know shapeshift you avoid it xD

i guess you’re so bad you didnt even knew that

Entangling is very situational. On most cases it’s super easy, but there are moments when stars allign and it can cause deaths. Moments where you need to quickly move and suddenly you get -50% move speed. Or you need to stay stacked as a group and you get entangling and everyone moves to different directions, etc. 99% of the times entangling is harmless.

Oh and for a tank it’s very anoying, if you possition the boss, wait for some tactic and you need to move with the boss.

Yeah it is overall a pretty easy affix. But had 1 moment it caused a couple of deaths, including me, when in Tides the mob pulls you in and you have to run out of the circle.

If only there was an easy way to deal with it… Something simple like…perhaps just moving.

This is why you take a ret paladin to your keys and have them freedom you.

Entangling is probably the easiest affix we’ve ever had.

No, because affixes should be removed :grin:

Entangling is free until it isn’t :tm:

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Loads of people fail to read “Combined with some mechanics”…

And yes, I can absolutely shapeshift: as I tank.


You guys…
Im not whining about everything, just when it times…

I agree, it’s mega easy; when it doesn’t time with Y ability from mechanic.

Everything is easy when it is easy!!!
But this one affix can time HORRIBLY with some mechanics.

And it doesn’t make it - fun - .

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I still think there are worse examples. Like old bolstering, necrotic, thundering, actually - most are worse. Perhaps all.

So saying it is the worst affix in history seems quite… out of proportion and consideration of the other affixes, be it out now and from the past. Not to mention beta affixes :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I personally prefer all the others.

Why? Doesn’t feel as poo timed.

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Fair enough, you feel what you feel. I just don’t believe many, if any agree. Perhaps a handful outliers. As the affix is seen as very benign by most to all, compared to all the others (especially the worst and most hated outliers).

I am sorry you feel like poo :dracthyr_heart:

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Well, me + most I have played with, at least.
We’ve all been swearing about Entangling…

So I do not think its none…
Just maybe you guys haven’t been as unlucky as us with timings?

And yes, we got the WA’s to tell us when it happens; we just can’t decide for it to not happen during X mechanic of a boss/mob.

Examples where it is really bad is

  • Everbloom - Ancient Protectors
  • Everbloom - Archmage Sol
  • Dawn of the Infinite - Manifest Timeways
  • Dawn of the Infinite - Chrono-Lord Deios (Soaking orbs)
  • Dawn of the Infinite - Morchie
  • BRH - Lord Kur’Thalos (Easier than above tho)

I don’t think about it, but I play warrior or BDK, if it pops, I move. Simple as.

No experience with entangling and bear, so I presume there is something that would annoy you about it in particular.

In my experience, at worst, it forces the whole group to readjust because of my movement. Yet, never have it caused a wipe or, as far as I noticed, any real problems. It simply only been annoying.

I wrote down where I find it particularly swear-inducing for people (myself included).

And yeah, people who say “You can literally switch form” doesn’t help for a bear.
Do they want me to take the 540k hit to the face? I’m a squishy leaf outside.
I’d have to MEGA time and pray for Bark+healer/outside-cd combo and no mega-swing from current mob/boss… :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Meanwhile; other classes can’t switch form to remove it.
I wish I played DPS more than I play bear tho with this affix.

Most got a way to handle it.

Paladin/Monk can simply remove it.
Warrior/DH can just dash in and out.
Druid should be able to waddle out - I presume that is why you find it annoying.
BDK just walk out, if it is a “no move” scenario, they can chose not to do so with IBF.

If bear really struggle, I really recommend bringing a paladin/monk with you though. They will remove the affix for ya
I can see why it urks you in particular though

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I’ll keep it in mind, I play all classes tho and I still hate this affix, same as ppl I have been playing with.
So idk, maybe we are just not entangly people… :s