Entanglement: Worst affix in history

We are only human, there don’t have to anything more to it than your brain caught a pattern. That pattern, started as annoyance, then you see more and more of it.

It turns into flaming hate and rage over ‘nothing’.

You had a bad experience, that turned the next experience worse (even if it was milder), reinforcing your notion till the point where you are now
I also got such ‘player ticks’ in my head. Example when the dispell affix spawns, I get angry - as I can’t do anything about them. Making the whole experience misserable, even though; I was never needed to do them - they are already handled perfectly.

Irrational feelings about an affix is just natural. Then I talk to my friends, they are friends, so they reinforce the notion of the ‘affix being stupid’ for that reason (the non-problem, I see as a problem at the time).

Started with me wiping once because I couldn’t do anything about it. From then on, that ‘hopelessness’ and ‘frustration’ just keeps snowballing in magnitude every time.

Might be, but it’s not been the friend-backup either. It’s been with randos… :confused:
I’m kinda cursed to play with pugs often now cause of health issues…

But yeah, I get where you are coming from.
It can absolutely be - extra - annoying because I noticed a pattern, but I do feel like on the above mentioned mechanics; Entangling is just hellspawn:… :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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the main issue is the slow with entangling.
If it procs at the exact same time as a mechanic that needs you to instantly move out of the swirlie, it can kill you instantly.

I would rather the remove the slow and make the circle bigger so the time to escape would be the same, but at least I wouldn’t die because I randomly got slowed.
Using a gcd on a slow remove is unfortunately not feasible in that situation either.

For whatever reason entangling always seem to proc when the group needs massive aoe healing and dodge swirlies kek

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This! And then on orbs duty in DOTI-dungeon its like “So you gonna move, kill everyone, or stay, and probably die cause stun and poop?” - “Oh and extra fingers up if you are the healer doing orb-juggling”.

I wish it was just… . . not happening during certain mechanics.
Like they made some stuff unable to co-happen before.

Euhm u are a druid… entangle comes… i shapeshift… entangle gone… kek

Ehhhmm, good you read what I have written… <3

At the keystone level you’re playing that’s just fine to deal with. In higher keys if a tank just moves all the time it can cause serious issues.

But there were fun things you could do with bolstering. Remember the spotters in Siege of Boralus?

And necrotic added an extra interesting dimension to tanking. It was mostly the healers who got stressed by not being able to heal who didn’t like it.

There are lots of mechanics (as well as another affix) that make tanks move all the time. Stepping out of entangling is no big deal.

No please.

If you want 2x bursting than you heal that ok?

Its better to have permanent entanglement than to have bursting.

Especially because by shapeshifting you can cheese it. You loose 1 GCD at max.

Its a clear L2P issue the way I see it. And complete lack of empathy by even suggesting bursting is better. NO THANKS!

True. Heales complain.

But we always complain because failure to execute the affixes = healer problem.

Its been discussed far and wide.

Either way. Im still waiting for kiss/curse mechanics to make affixes something to look forward to. Not something to complain about.

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Most (not all) of my tanking has been with healers I know, and usually on voice comms.

On the times when I tanked with a pug healer when necrotic was still a thing, I always reminded the healer before the key went in that if I got so many stacks that they couldn’t heal me, keeping me alive was no longer their problem. I also used a weakaura that shouted out ‘SLOW MOBS’ when I got above a comfortable level of stacks so I could turn it back on the dps if I died and they hadn’t done anything to help me kite.

It was one of the easiest affixes to ram home the reality that all affixes are a group problem and not the responsibility of a single player.

You sir are the exception to the rule then… :slight_smile:

Back in SL when it was a thing I suffered with it, unless I played with a tank friend on coms. As you did.

And particularely in this S3, my tank buddy from S1 and S2 has decided to DD for a season and nobody in my premade wants to tank.

So… im glad that affix is not a thing. Some PuG tanks (untill I find a new one for my premade) are sometimes weird… :smiley:

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Well, he/she mentioned being the tank. I would not really recommand shape-shifting :joy: You loose a bit more than a gcd.

I agree with you about not triggering at certain mechanics

Oh, if I wasn’t clear, I never had any issues with those affixes in particular. I just know of them as the most complained about. Hating on necrotic was all the rage back in the day.

I play BDK and Warrior mainly, necrotic and bolstering wasn’t much of a problem to handle. AMS, DnD slow, SB, just make those trivial.

There was also fun things with bolstering, true, the axe thrower in NW was big fun - oneshotting bosses. Yet, for many it meant they did not dare to pull big. The extra decisions overwhelms many if not most of the up and coming tank players, it then scares them away from it :dracthyr_cry:

Movement basically stays the same, but sure - in theory, it could cause serious issues if the tank had to move all the time. Thing is, you really don’t need to.

Example would be Uldir, Uldum, Uldaman? The dungeon, you know the one. Where you gather all the 5 packs for big AoE with the constructs. On a 25 you really want control over the cleaves and claps - so not to snipe your friends with bad positioning of either. Now, entangling was a thing - most tanks, would complain and say they had to move out of the archway.

Now, you did not have to move out, you had simply to cresent move yourself from side to side, preposition yourself for the entangling spawn. Then move A to B, B to A, A to B as needed. The adds never moved from their spot in the arch.

Entangling is as any other affix, not really a problem if you play around it.

All affixes are annoying because dungeons have enough own mechanics meanwhile.


You have a L2R issue.
Shapeshift as tank, GG.

What L2P issue? I have seen so few GDruid tanks latelly that I assumed OP was DD. But whatever.

Either way, I dont see any other tank having issues with this affix as Funkykittie mentions. I only see the bad tanks having an issue with it, and to be frank, even with 0 affixes those tanks would still have an issue.

Lol… L2R… Learn to Read… hahahaha this is hilarious :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Bro! I should indeed L2R. And it is hilarious.

Good one! :slight_smile: