Entanglement: Worst affix in history

Entangling is a non affix. I don’t get this thread at all.

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Then you do not play a class that can get crapped by it, if it times poorly with a certain set of mechanics; it can be death.

And Dejarous showed again how his attitude is terrible, and lacks reading skills as WHY it is an issue for SOME classes in CERTAIN situations has been pointed out…

Situation matters.

It’s the easiest, it’s also one of the most annoying. It feels like water droplet torture.

Games are supposed to be fun, this is one of the affixes that makes it less fun.

All affixes meet that criteria. Apart from volcanic I can’t think of an easier affix. I also can’t conceive how entangling can kill you unless you are incapable of thinking 8 seconds ahead.

If you dont like the Affixe just invite a Paladin with double Blessing of Freedom skilled and then its GG

Regardless of difficulty, the affixes just aren’t fun :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh and I’ve had scenarios where entangling killed people despite thinking ahead. Just rare scenarios where the overlap kills you. Also very annoying that Entangling doesn’t properly clear on the edge, it’s actual circle is slightly bigger than the visual.

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