nobody is playing pvp brother. nobody. i dont know where you got this impression but spamming AV and not even engaging with other players doesn’t fit the category of pvp.
god i long for the days of nost where botting wasn’t as bad as it is now and there were actual people forming groups and mafias for devilsaur and such which would inspire grouped, open world pvp battles. and people weren’t popping consumes and flasks like candy.
PVP was always alive in era and made the world so much fun during all phases. The game is 5 years old and in need of a fresh with all the anti pvp changes removed. Currently everyone is spamming AV because Blizzard changed the PVP system. Currently there is less exciting wpvp because of chronoboon. Which are some of the reasons iam advocating no changes. However there is still several guilds on EU and NA that focus on world pvp this day.
Someone’s butthurt they can’t grief non-consenting players even harder.
I’m a PvE focused casual player, and yes I play on Firemaw because it’s just not as simple as “JuSt Go To PvE sErVeR” it’s an MMO, and I wanna play with my friends, and being the minority that has no interest in PvPing I just suck it up and deal with the myriads of grown up children that take joy in making others’ play session suboptimal and miserable.
At least let me keep my world buffs if I have to deal with all that stuff, which mind you, I still have to pay 10g for each boon it’s not like it’s free, and yes 10g is still something for casuals.
‘non-consenting’ players? Its a pvp server in a game ffs.
If you are a PVE orientented player but you join a PVP server because your friends went to the PVP server then why should the server/game change for you?
SOD servers are a blast. They even got more players than Cataclysm at some point. ( 2 weeks ago if I am not wrong ) and currently are sitting at a very stable 80+k raiders.
If you’re really interested about WPvP then you should be happy about chronoboon. People getting their WB usually don’t want to PvP. Heck I love WPvP but if I take the time to get my WB and I know they are dispellable/will disappear upon death, there’s no way I’m sticking around.
Now once they are booned, I know I’m set for raid and I’ll happily jump into the fight if there is one.
I really don’t get why it’s an issue for you, and even less how you struggle to understand people wanting to save their WB for raid.
You do realize we are on classic+ beta since the start of SoD ? Those fresh ERA servers are also part of that experience. Why do you think we have those changes ?
You may not realize it but you’re making it work by playing it.
I get that you would have prefered a nochange Vanilla experience but in all honesty those changes are pure massive wins. There is no downside to them at all.
And I’ll add one last thing: the Classic community is much more degenerate than it used to be, hence the need for chronoboons. Too many people enjoy griefing, it makes the game unhealthy.
Long story short it shouldn’t, but I guess that if they didn’t revert the changes it’s because I’m not the only one in this situation, and it’s a big enough % that like this changes.
On top of that, I think they should just make full vanilla servers with 0 changes, true classic, hell make it even so people can’t use addons at all and have to stop using questie and other QoL addons. I wouldn’t play it but I understand some people want that nostalgic 2004 experience, even if it makes the game worse to the player experience overall.
So what are the no-changes exactly? You were doing dungeons at 1.1 patch, same with MC. Do you want to raid MC with 1.1 patch? And you have not done that for 20 years as no server has ever given such experience.
But for me it is already a change to run MC with 1.12 talents and call it a progression. Why not use TBC talents then?
Yes, at some point in history, people were running MC with 1.12 talents but same can be said about TBC era, when people could run MC with 2.4.3 talents.
You have already accepted the change, so how come you advocate for no changes?
I for one have been asking for progression Vanilla starting at 1.1 and going on from there, dropping Eras at every new expansion, and staying 100% to te old scedule, talents, achievements, mounts … in short every.dang.thing!
This was actually what I expected as I heard of Classic first time - go on laugh at my naivity.
Why do you want to play unplayable game that had to be updated. Seems to me like you are stuck in past and should move forward with life, we never going back to that.