Era fresh reverse all changes

Simply asking for Era fresh is not clear enough for blizzard so we have to ask for ERA fresh with NO changes.
For starters iam talking about the annoying UI changes which are probably not even intented but caused by using the same client as SOD.

Why the community accepted Chronoboon and not being able to purge world buffs is insane. Why do the people who want to preserve their worldbuffs so badly to optimize their raid log don’t just play on PVE servers? Why do you come to PVP servers and demand Blizzard to change them to your liking? How crazy is it that Blizzard listened and the community accepted this?

Please keep all this out off an ERA fresh. Same goes for the PVP honor changes.
And to all the people coping about Classic+: This will never work, everybody wants something different. Take a look at SoD and see what happens.


Bro, as a pvp’er, why are you crying about not being able to grief ppl who are less likely to fight back. Stop whinging and git gud.


People who derive joy from causing upset to others are mentally ill. You represent a player base that we are better off without.


But why are they on a PVP server if they don’t want to pvp? Iam talking about 60vs60.
I dont care about griefing, i care about the game being a real and original and not being some kind of ‘PVP on demand so i can keep my world buffs’. A big raid fight in BRM while there is something at stake can be great fun. Its not like you can not raid if you dont have the wbuffs. I don’t see why making these points causes you and the other guy in the reply to assume iam only about griefing.
And how about the reverse? What if someone gets world buffs and ganks a shaman or priest? Is it fair they cannot dispell a powerfull buff while this is part of their toolkit?

Only 1 side has something at stake when you’re griefing people who gather up to do a raid. Theres nothing for you to lose. You can still be there and kill people with chronoboons, but i imagine they are more likely to fight back.

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People who derive joy from get 100 buffs for clean easiest classic bosses are mentally ill. You represent a player base that we are better off without.

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I’m not sure where you get off calling people mentally ill when your reply was exceedingly unhinged.


No matter what side of the argument one really is on: Calling someone mentally ill just because he favours a different playstyle is… no, I’m not going to write that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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Don’t be so defensive, you know exactly what this is.
The mental process is no more complex than: “Yes, god I bet he’s mad, he must be so mad, I upset another human being for no good reason, god what a rush, what an endorphin hit.”

Mental illness. Normal people want to help others. It’s why so few people actually try to take others Wbuffs. Unfortunately there is a 1% of the population who are just broken.


Griefing is not playstyle. Its brain ndamage or something

Isnt bg’s for that? I find world pvp rather annoying and even if see an ally in the world I prefer to socialize rather than just gang. I walk around him/her I troll a bit, starts teasing as well having a good time. And then we jump and duke it out in bg, who says foes cant be friends as well? As for wpvp you being 10% me ambush you and then everytime you ress i repeat the process is not pvp… And i wander why you ppl enjoy everytime you go to do somethin productive like farm or get a quest done, or move to a dungeon have somebody good for nothing, with nothing better to do just waiting for someone to land on fp or hiding behind a hill or a door alone or with a gang to 1 shot you. Keep pvp for the pvp room, keep pve for the pve zone. Otherwise we end up having to pve in alterac valley and pvp in stv over a camp quest delivery…


This is so mindblowing to me. You literally describe a PVE server. So honestly, why don’t you go play on an PVE server?

I do man 0.0… Thats the whole point im playing there and im having good time. You ppl complain about pvp in ur pvp server… KEK, just as much mindblowed pretty much as you, with the exception that I am at the right place besides you ppl complaining about where you are… XD

How am I complaining about PVP? Iam complaining about people who play on PVP servers and ask for changes on those PVP servers (Like not being able to dispel wbuffs or chronoboon). I believe those people should play on PVE servers together with you. That way everyone is happy. Its kinda weird having this discussion because there is an option for both people’s liking dont you think?

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Didnt mention it for you personally, but for ppl complaining about wpvp related stuff while they r in a pvp realm.

I agree on principle, but why fresh?

Just revert changes on current Era and that’s it.

I agree “convenience” changes, specially on PvP realms, have a bad effect on the feeling of community.


The majority of the classic community are casuals and the fact that everyone can achieve R14 with the new bracket system motivated more people to play PvP. The old bracket system will never come back.

Classic Era 1.14.4 PvP Update - WoW Classic / WoW Classic Hardcore - World of Warcraft Forums (

It’s an experiment, a testbed for classic+ and feedback is welcome.
SoD is an overlap of interests and compromise of everything, not our personal wishlist.

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It is totally fine that certain aspects off the game are not archieveble for everybody. That is what makes it a special archievement. IMO a fresh era should have no changes (So no new pvp system) and at the end of fresh era you move to the current era server (or TBC whatever) which has that system. I guess that would be the best off both.

Regarding SOD: Yeah I understand its an experiment. I understand that they might have tried alot of stuff to see what works and what doesn’t. But still the way it turned out proves my point: Everybody want something different and people will never agree on the state of the game. Changing stuff also makes it impossible to balance the game. Take a look at SOD pvp for example.

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Classic PvP was never balanced and as long there is no arena or ratings it doesn’t have to be. I know that some players don’t like it, but this is what makes classes fun to play, because the design follows “classic” RPG concepts. Games before WoW such as Dark Age of Camelot with best PvP ever were imbalanced but fun because it didn’t had to fulfill modern eSports requirements.

This is the strength of old school MMORPGs like Dark Age of Camelot and WoW Vanilla.


I fully agree. I never said era PVP is balanced, I just said SOD’s PVP balance is an absolute mess. In ERA its fun, classes feel unique and the rock , paper , scissor system combined with crazy consumes and engineering make it the best/most enjoyable pvp I have played in any version of WoW.

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