ERA is more alive than wrath

While this might be true, I think there are more people without any kind of obligation (work/school) than ever before though.

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I think it is just hardcore past was left in past. When people had all content as new with no guides and min maxing. People are more chil and soft now. You won’t meet any “Onyxia wipe animation raid” today.

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Why shouldn’t people play on a pvp server? Is there anything wrong with it?
I think that what’s worse than “why they chose a pvp server to begin with” the question should be “why do people complain about ganking and corpse camping while playing on a pvp server?”.

I recently started playing Wrath, i am currently only level 13 but i am taking my time but i play on Thekal, it lost people recently, a noticeable amount but in terms of PvP and faction balance it’s the only one still standing on EU with English language.

And that is completely fine, but that still doesnt answer the question. If you dont wanna do pvp, or have time, and you simply wanna enjoy the pve of the game. Why choose a pvp server?

People bought into what streamers said back when classic launched and still believe you have to play on a pvp server to “properly” play the game

Not at all, i simply find it weird to play on a pvp server when you hate pvp. To me it makes no sense.
Maybe its a personal preference, but when i see a fellow-faction player getting jumped i automatically join in for the fun. But i see more and more players who instead of helping out they just leave or pretend to not exist.

Multiple times i’ve killed someone from an opposing faction, and i see the others just standing around and not helping the one i kill. As if i wont kill them next? I just pick them off 1 by 1. On the rare occasions they actually team up, they destroy me ofc.

Yeah, i considered the server as well. But since i couldnt migrate at the time, i didnt wanna start over again. All my chars, with all the “tmog” and gold. I simply couldnt be arsed to do it all over.

People just follow hype or try to settle in most populated servers (which are pvp ones always) to not find themselves later on dead server after a week of non playing because blizzard opened transfers from your server while you were on vacation or working.

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