Era is polluted

It meant “you” as in: you, us, everyone, Era as a whole, the community before it started to expand rapidly.

Everyone gave Era a positive outlook. Everyone helped newbies. Everyone put in a good word. Everyone mentioned it to their friends, their old raiders, their old guildies and so fourth, and finally - everyone wanted to see Era busy, thriving and expanding.

So, as a result, the people came, and when it got busy, others arrived to see the hype. You cannot pick and choose who joins. It has nothing to do with retail or wrath, it’s just Classic is a fan favourite and sustainable Classic realms have always been popular, before Wrath and while retail was at peak. A very strange outlook to try and randomly shift blame to a group of people who have absolutely nothing to do with your issue.


The classic playerbase is very diverse and it’s disingenuous to just call it bad as a whole, you just need to put in some effort to find the right people. And it’s been like this since day 1 (of Classic) it isn’t something that is just now becoming a problem.

where did I call the playerbase bad as a whole?

Idk horde dont have this problem guess they mad cuz i pvp them

The OP reads as if the entire player pool has been tainted…

It happened with gnomes

Totally agree.

The average player now has a random letter names, communicates in twitch emotes, + or -, has zero patience or respect for others time. Its incredible. Even forming dungeon groups has become a nightmare because these people leave and hop to another group if theres a 2 minute wait.

Not to mention all the boosting and gdkp spam.

Of course these TBC/Wrath/Retail babies also damage the game asking for severe changes, speaking out in approval of layers and all that.

It is definitely noticeable that the quality of people has gone downhill fast.

Thankfully these “people” will soon jump to wherever their trashy streamers point them next. Probably D4.


It’s always “the others” that are at fault, isn’t it? Blizzard isn’t moderating their servers but blaming other versions or other games for what is happening in your realm is a bit silly.

People spellcleaved to 60, boosted in vanilla classic en mass, bottled gold, boosted multiple profession alts, flocked to megarealms for AH welfare and you are saying it’s WoTLK or retail fault… There and here you have the same people.


Totally agree. The mentality has been there since day 1 when classic launched in 2019.

The Upright guy is obsessed with bashing TBC, since he disliked it 2 Months in, stating it’s not for him. Now he doesn’t want anybody playing anything besides classic realms, saying nothing else deserves official servers. He also does not listen to any replies.
I think it’s partly due to him not understanding English that well.

It’s really personal for him and not objective at all.


lying and dumb.

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A myth

This thread is a result of your frustration.
You are prone to this because you play with randoms and people that simply don’t match your playstyle. A you problem mate.

I have guild of excellent people I play with since day 1. Randoms will happen because it’s an MMO and it’s impossible to only play with your guild, at all times.

You assume a bit too much in order to support your claims and you’re just embarrassing yourself. Just stop.

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Oh really, This you?

The fact how immature people like you drag the whole community is very telling.

Have a good one, Im done talking to you.

Contributed nothing meaningful, in line with expectations.

Cya :wave:t4:

How can you deny that, you have literally been doing this for the past 14 days. You keep repeating yourself without actually answering anything that was said.

Here examples:

I’m pretty sure you don’t even understand what’s being said.
Should it really be the case that your English comprehension is lacking, then post on the German forums.
Wenn du kein English kannst dann verpiss dich vom EN forum LOL
edit: I take it back, he’s just an utterly insane incel lmfao

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This reminds me of “One Tamriel” in TESO, Lore wise and from PvP perspective the worst decision ever, the fact you can do dungeons with enemies and right after kill your group mates in Cyrodil or BGs is the worst MMORPG concept ever.

However, in WoW it’s less dramatic and not the end of the world, actually it only improved freedom of choice within your faction and made raids more balanced. (Shaman windfury, Pala buffs).

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