ERP should never be opt-out

Since my last post riled everyone up, I figured I would post a topic people would 100% agree with.

Not much to say here, I am just incredibly frustrated when I am RPing in Stormwind on any of my characters and I get people approaching me with clearly only one thing in mind. Nothing about the characters I RP suggests that they are interested in such, I even have ‘No’ on the accepts romance question.

Even more annoying, you even see people with things like “No ERP” in their profile, like it has to be said. No ERP should be the default, you shouldn’t have to say you don’t want that. People who want that stuff should make it obviously clear, it should be opt-in, not opt-out.

Actually, just no ERP at all thanks.


y’know which demographic you could remove to cut down on the great majority of ERP

spoiler: it starts with OO

but big agree all ERP should be pruged in a major way but Blizz likes the Goldshire green :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face: too much


ERP is still a form of RP whether you like it or not. The people bothering me and trying to get in my character’s pants are definitely not out of character.

Big true. There’s better places for that kind of stuff than a video game played by teens.

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Sadly I don’t see anything changing. It’s been like this since I started AD in 2010. So many people just want the sex IC and have no qualms with approaching strangers for it, which is odd.

i’m afraid i have too much respect for the hobby as well as myself to refer to Goldshireoids as RPers.

infinitely better ones. But then, they can’t groom any kids :eyes:

like you with doxxing


Eh, it ain’t a big deal. If you do get such a request either make it absolutely clear you are not interested or alternatively put that person on your ignore list.

I have nothing against ERP provided both sides agree to do it and it’s performed in an instance or far away from settlements so that you can’t bother anybody.


considering it’s a 12+ game I disagree in a major way


While I agree that ERP has NO place in the game, character romances can still very much be roleplayed without the ERP approach!

Sadly, people always think the latter is just completely normal. But ERP is not normal nor is it tolerated by Blizzard.


I meant more so trying to deter someone from approaching you in such a manner and swiftly dealing with them. I am highly aware the vast majority of this forum is against ERP with reasonable arguments.


I am trying to make it clear in every way I can. That lustful/chaste trait is all the way to chaste, it makes clear that one of my characters is married (she gets by far the most approaches like this, too ><) and it says I do not accept character romance. You would think they get the clue.

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aha. With that much I can at least agree, it doesn’t take much to send them skittering off.

you’re better off not having it at all. When people see it fully to chaste, they get the idea that you want your character to be ‘corrupted’.


I don’t even understand why this trait is included by default anyway. This isn’t an adult game, and I cannot think of any other context than an adult one.


Because the creators of TRP are not Blizzard affiliates. I assume they may even have some interest in the more lecherous forms of interaction.

But things are changing since freakshows like you are being shunned out of existence much more often that harassment like that will be normally automatically reported

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I get that, but this isn’t an adult game and I do not see why an RP addon for a non-adult game needs to have anything related to that.


Far as I know if you have anything considered 18+ in your profile it’s auto-flagged as “adult” and is censored unless you accept to view it unless they changed that.

Also, don’t forget, there is a button (somewhere on TRP) that lets you report flags to Blizz.

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Yeah it shouldn’t be there, sadly it is. It does have the (not worth it the negatives) positive quality of being an instant [Reveal] on an ERPer. Makes it easy to steer clear.

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god, the forum suddenly got really good over the week huh


Some characters are sexual by their personality. I don’t condone erp nor do I participate in it (I fade to black), however I do enjoy pervy characters who have no qualms making sexual remarks. It’s just my sense of humor. I wouldn’t take it any further than that tho.

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Not suitable content for the 12+ rating this game has. Your sense of humor is blatantly inappropriate.

Because I see your reply coming in already, I’ll just link what falls within the borders of the ESRB’s rating.

World of Warcraft is rated T (Teen) by the ESRB for blood and gore, crude humor, mild language, suggestive themes, and use of alcohol and violence.