ERP should never be opt-out

tfw u do 0 research

lmfao of course you’re stupid enough to believe what amounts to conspiracy theories against the pcu, i expected nothing less

hey coldshade, good to hear you’re not getting accosted anymore

just wanted to let you know that i had a good evening yesterday. thanks for the support forum best friend


damn so you should instead just take meg’s offer earlier and PM him any damning evidence (that is, not the bestiality erp video made by our 12 year old biggest fans).

food for thought! Also please tell your ‘friend’ to stop ERPing.


Yeah, your character was a touching homage to it


Because I Don’t care for your guild relations, I just read through a link with screens of people praising a certain regime in Germany. That’s enough to get on my no no list.

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It pleases me to hear that, Akamito! I hope you’ll have a great Tuesday afternoon. :slight_smile:

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have you ever heard of the words “taken out of context”

though at the same time i’m not sure why i’m trying because you’ll fall in the same pit like vaxir and believe in the first thing you see and also shill doxxers

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Yes. :muscle:


who needs context as long as it fits a narrative out of context!?!?!?

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I am very curious to see in what context praising said regime is ok. Their sense of fashion maybe ?

as i recall the post you’re referencing was about architectural style and fashion :rofl:

who needs CONTEXT as long as it makes ME look good and EVIL PCU (who i totally don’t care abt btw) LOOK B A D

yeah you heard of a joke mate
not that they’re good jokes
but they are jokes

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The OoOmers had an event in Drustvar a couple of days ago - we ran into ERPers in Corlain… Can’t blame 'em, such a sensual atmosphere, that place.

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Says the undead dk, literally squared edge.

oh god rynore is typing

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p-please perroy let me be officer in d-d-d–ddirge so they stop bullying me :cry:


They are a LOT of jokes in there then lol, that’s a stand up show.

Yeah, ran into ERPers too when the dirge went to northrend together with the assemblage.

Luckily I didn’t get muted but yea, some of the stuff from the discord is… Oof.

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