ERP should never be opt-out

Yup, I remember. I was there on Uldria…

i went to that gilnean place in the south of blasted lands to have it be the starting place of travel rp with my worgen friend and we found 2 people erping in one of the houses

kind of like linking a doxx blog and refusing to apologize, isn’t it doxxir


Nah didn’t you hear ? It all JOKES.

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Remember when we had that emote fight and I hit you with a nice DH soul cleave and you then let me know that your soul was something very dark and ancient, possessing a power that we couldn’t really be prepared for, something about the nightmare?


Some things shouldn’t be joked about.

it literally is LOL

There actually is no such screenshot by the way so please stop making crazy things up crazy pezhead

When the resident doxxer Vaxir (Doxir) takes your side in an argument you know you have lost really


post your real apology vaxir

also make up your mind, are you trying to look like the nice guy everyone should like or are you trying to look like an idiot

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humour is subjective dumb dumb

As the current officer of the Dirge, if you have screenshots/proof of members ERPing, I am more than happy to purge any member of the Dirge who engages in ERP that I am made aware of, as would the officers of any of the other PCU guild. ERP is against the ToS, and also very wrong to do in a 12+ game. However, should you just say ‘oh, there are screens, but I won’t share them’, and you don’t either tell me/appropriate officer, and you don’t report directly to Blizz (which should be done in all cases of ERP), then I doubt the truth of your statements about PCU members.

Also please only report -actual- ERP and such things, not clearly faked/contextless nonsense that has resulted in the fakers themselves being given bans (in the most notorious fake, anyway).


It wasn’t my soul, but just a fragment of nightmare corruption my char got exposed to as he was a druid before becoming a dh. You are just making things up at that point, which is sad because I had fond memory of our dh fight :frowning:

“You are not-…”

[Marchenuit takes a look at his script.]

“-… Prepared!”


please don’t call the joke police on us oh please pleaseeeeeee

Dangerously based and I couldn’t craft a finer storyline myself if I wanted to

Yeah it was a really good fight I spent weeks trying to track you down to continue the story…

noooo not my soul please you can’t hurt me noooooo how else will i be suitable for dirge officer even though i’ll beg anyway


Yeah Druidss fight the Emerald Nightmare sometimes, who would have thought.

Why didn’t you message me about it ?

I Have Seen Xavius The Corrupter With The Eyes Of My Own On Then We Must Over Throw His Tyranny