Error code Wow51900319

Hi there,
Ever since yesterday, I’ve been getting disconnected from the game every 5-10 mins with the Wow51900319 error code. I’ve checked and reset my router and it seems my connection is fine (nothing else appears to be affected). Kinda don’t know what to do with that.


Hey Raazal,

Good stuff checking your router, a great first step to take. There are a few more steps I’d like you to go through, have a look into the Connection Troubleshooting Support Article and follow those steps thoroughly.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

None of the Connection Troubleshooting remedies helped. Now I notice that with every dc, my app also goes offline for just a few seconds and then quickly reconnects. Never had those issues with it before.

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I’ve been having the same issue this week… Did everything listed in “Connection troubleshooting” page and nothing have helped.

Notice how “support” ALWAYS points that the problem in on our side, and never of blizzard side.
Been so ages, nothing can turn off more that when they lie in your face knowing that you know they lie.
Absolutely unethical and disgraceful service.


Can confirm this is on blizzard side, don’t waste your time doing troubleshooting checks if you started receiving this error recently and everything worked fine before


getting DC since 10:00 until now every 20 - 30 minutes … is really annoying

same here all fine yesterday but today I’m getting DC ed at regular intervals .

Same here, keep getting disconnected every 10-15 minutes.

I get the disconnects also with the same Wow51900319 error code.
My husband who is sitting next to me at his desk with his own PC, can play WOW as normal. He has no disconnects. So nothing wrong wit our connetion.
I had no problems yesterday.

The issue has resolved itself for me.
It would still have been nice to be told what was wrong…


I had the same issues and I was just able to fix the issue for me by lowering the Front FPS from 100 to 70 and the Background FPS from 30 to 20. It’s not a permanent solution, of course, but at least it got me back in the game. I hope it stays that way.

You can do this by going to System > Advanced and then the two top right options.

I have done everything and nothing works. It started when I fell through the game, each time I log on I am put in the same place, underneath the game. I am now unloading the game, will reinstall after that I am afraid after 15 years of bad service I am done paying money for something it always seems to be something we have to fix.

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