Esfand is the new cancer of wow community?

Yeap he made sure that every main tank in his guild gets thunderfury. His is the 4th one which at this point could’ve been given to a warlock and nobody would care. But I love how people think that he ninjaed or smth.

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How many times did you say you weren’t jealous?


Do Amazon and the streamers make money out of Twitch ? Can someone please enlighten me ?

Yes, popular streamers can make money from adverts on their channels, as well as donations and sponsors.

Blabla he has TF … booboo … bet he doesn’t even have classic char. Silly demonhunter, /shoo back 2 retail

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Drama queen zzz

It’s up to him and his guild what they do. Ofcourse he’s going to get it if he’s a streamer in a streamer guild.

Have I missed something but how does this effect us, the community? It’s a 15 year old game for god sake, who cares?

He’s the GM, his underlings chose to give him Thunderfury, their guild is called Retprio, sorry I mean it’s called Crusade & it’s obviously the only place in the world rets have prio. He laughs at your funny haters mad troll post though, keep em coming

It doesn’t, the anti-streamer rhetoric is beyond tired.
It’s just people searching for something to be outraged about, Asmongold quit streaming Classic so they need a new target.

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It’s entertainment, watch it or not. Give it interest or laugh at it. Whatever.

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