Since Asmongold stopped streaming wow community has rly been quiet except for all the cry over AV changes… i feelt relieved when asmongold stopped streaming it meant peace and quiet no more threads about him and such. But now this guy is even worse just the same funneling gear to himself … just look at him grabbing bindings so he could get TF … yet still a paladin TF could have gone to a rogue or warrior to benefit the raid alot more. Im not jealous he has TF i got it myself on my rogue after 3 of our tanks got it and i was lucky since i got one binding from a pug we did and we all rolled for it and i rolled 100. Like i said not jealous about that just confused him sitting flexing TF on stream and his guild doesnt care? i dont get it. Just like how Asmongold funneled gear to himself and his “buddies” in the guild and f**k the rest right?. (Like the Perdition blade drama remember it?). I just feel his causes alot of drama and negivity in the community like asmongold did.
Just like i said i see esfand threads every now and then is he the new cancer of classic community or just me?
Aha, yeah i feel you, i mean Asmon did make a promise to quit streaming if he couldn’t beat Dark souls 2, so im on with you, its kinda nice that he’s not streaming anymore xD.
That being said, isn’t TF a priority to tanks?, Warriors mainly?.
I’m sorry, but isn’t Esfand a multi-specced Pally?, i don’t watch him during his WoW streams, just the Variety ones, as i feel like watching Classic streams are way more boring than actually play it, might just be me but meh.
Thats how asmon works, he takes no showers, lives in a sh*thole with trash everywhere, getting all the gear from his viewers and calls himself a Literal God, i mean i know its Sarcasm, what he is however is being the Literal Leeching God x’D
But i mean, i think Esfand is a cool person overall, might be because i once again just watches his Variety streams, have done so for years now.
The main reason asmon stopped streaming is because he thinks classic community is “toxic” that’s ironic considering his entire community is built around being as toxic as possible.
He himself can be toxic af towards anyone but as soon as he gets something in return that he perceives as toxic he goes full defensive mode and stops streaming for a while (this has literally been every reason for his streaming breaks)
All 3 tanks in his guild got thunderfury before him. But yes keep on talking non-sense. Yes they were that lucky with bindings c’est la vie. But calling him toxic when he’s one of the chillest casual streamers out there is just plain wrong.
I somehow even forgot that Asmongold and Esfand exists.
They don’t bother me at all,just skip theirs content as rest of the sh1t.
He will get all gifted and will moan,nothing to do in classic.
Watched Esfand his stream once and he brings entertainment. I am not bothered by him at all, seems a decent feller that found something he is both good and enjoys and makes a living of it. Fine.
As for getting TF, I would guess his main interest would be to please the crowd of viewers, on a side note: all content is gankable and when anything relevant pops up the MT will already have the 2nd Thunderfury in a guild like that.
I’ve heard of Asmon and seen a couple clips on YT. More because I was intrigued by his lair. I have never heard of the other lad you mention tho. You seem to know a lot about them and even the nuances of the drama / specific loot. Probably means you are quite emotionally invested and why you whine like that? I play wow daily, go to YT daily and watch Twitch, yet I have never encountered this lad you are talking about. I think you have to actively seek them out…