Essence Grind for Alts

Its gash, it wouldnt be so bad if they didnt force me to PVP.

You get the point. Don’t be obtuse.

Your presence in the game is irrelevant to me and what I’ve said.
You’re not speaking to me when you say that, you’re speaking to Blizzard. To me it falls on deaf ears. I don’t stand to gain anything from you having a subscription to WoW, and certainly not if the premise of that goes against what I want as far as the game’s design is concerned.

Again, that’s simplifying the point I made, which is the accumulative time and effort you’ve put into your character, not just its gear or Essences.
It’s everything. Your achievements, your transmogs, your mounts, pets, titles, gear, garrison upgrades, profession skills, and so on.

All of that is quantifiable in terms of the amount of time and effort you’ve put into it.

And my point is that all that time and effort gets undermined if people’s alts can accomplish the same through a far smaller investment of time and effort.
And since we’re playing an RPG – an MMORPG even – the context of your power and progression matters. It has to be comparable to that of everyone else, otherwise we’re essentially playing different versions of the same game.

I’m not easily fooled by that side content - if the current system is trash I just don’t play simple… don’t try to make out like all the other stuff that’s been around for years can make up for terrible “current” content - it can’t.

I expect more after paying into a game for 13 years.

People with more gold can buy boosts and BoE’s… what’s the difference exactly?

Again, you’re simplifying matters.

What I’ve said is my general feelings and opinions in regards to the design philosophies concerning alts.

What you seem to respond with is “But muh essences!!”

I’ll refer back to the lengthy posts I’ve already made.

And where have I praised boosts or BoEs on the Auction House?!

We have a complete reset every 6 months. With new raid, new seasons, new power, new systems. When you dont play that new season and i do, i am more powerfull, even when you have played that char for 10 years and i only 1 month :man_shrugging: What are you trying to compare?

That is already in the game, so I see no reason why essences can’t be account bound - when money/gold can buy you gear in this loot rng fiesta casino game.

The current now of course, and what matters then and there whenever it may be.

Two wrongs don’t make one right.

Yeah and you say time spent on an alt should be shown in power… like I said time means nothing anymore… it’s just about having great rng or being boosted.

Removal of tokens/boosting and the return of vendors… that’s what would be better than this trash.

People should earn their gear, not just get lucky or be rich enough for boosts/BoE’s.

Right now the World of Chorecraft is so boring that I can totally understand why people want account-wide essences.

I kind of feel like Limit and Method and the other top guilds disprove that on a regular basis as they invest a ton of time and effort into the game and come out ahead of everyone else – power-wise and progression-wise.
So the correlation between the time and effort you invest and the power and progression you get out of it, that seems fairly intact to me.

Both had their “fans” loaning them millions of gold so they could buy themselves corruption gear on the ah :rofl:

Limit had one of their players wearing pants that cost 20 million… and they needed the extra gear to push to win as their dps was a bit too low. I watched the livestream of them asking for gold and equipping the items.

I guess time did come into it - the time they spent begging for donations.

That’s dismissing all the other Mythic-progression guilds who also invest far more time and effort into the game than other players do, and subsequently also end up further ahead in terms of character power and character progression.

You would have a point if Average Joe who did LFR got a sick Corruption item and carried his Normal-mode casual guild to World First Ny’alotha. But that’s not the case, never has been.

The players who invest the most time and effort tend to always get the furthest ahead in terms of power and progression in the game. And that is worth preserving I think. Especially also in regards to alts, i.e. shortcuts and catch ups disrupt the correlation between time and effort and power and progression, and should be limited or refused.

You can spin this nonsense all you like - luck is a huge factor in the game right now… as well as making BoE’s on the ah, the token and boosting more than ever… it’s all you see in trade.

People equipping stuff way lower ilvl than they had because it gives amazing dps.

I bet it sure feels amazing :rofl:

Beta for Azeroth is a big mess that never should have happened.

You raid LFR… preach this to the people who really do want to push themslves to the limit - but rng slaps them down no matter how much time they spend on chores/content.


Nothing you just said has anything to do with the topic of discussion which is alts and catch ups and the time and effort required for various aspects of the game.

You’re just QQing at random now. I think we’re done.

Yes we are - go show your amazing power off in LFR :wink:

Christ, you’re a tool or the sarcasm is beyond my ability to read.

If I put in the time and effort on my character to get an Essence, then the value of that accomplishment gets undermined if everyone’s alts can just get it for free.

Design-wise that disrupts the correlation between time and effort and reward. It has nothing to do with wanting to show off.

Blizz will not make them account bound. They want extend people’s playtime as much as possible. SL is still pretty far away and lots of people wont simply stay subbed until then, if they dont have anything to do.

Not for free, but if I grinded the rep once, I should be able to buy essence on my main and send it to alt.

Instead we got a 20 pearl - 250 rep BoA token. So to get rep on your alt you need to grind rep on your alt and grind pearl on your main to send boa token to your alts.

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Looking at my guild it completely backfires with too much to do :frowning: Multiple unsubbed.

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You try to say power is equal to time spent… but it really isn’t anymore.

So with everything else having nothing to do with actual time spent essences should be account wide.

I think if subs drop low enough a corruption vendor will appear.

Then and only then will they make essences account wide.