EU forums and brexit

Brexit has a drop rate of 0.5% and the Parliament instance can only be run once every few months. It’s possible there will be a new dev team in December / January and they will make it an unobtainable item when the new Parliamentary expack goes live.


The eu stands for europe as in the geographic area.
And you should have know that americans use the imperial system. The USA might just be “one country in america”, but they are still the most influencial country in the world. Sounds to me you were looking for trouble and found plenty.
I would honestly be for just combining the eu and us forums anyway. There is no reason for the divide.

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At the end of the day:

  • You’re commenting on a what if which may not come about
  • Bringing politics into this space which isn’t permitted.
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u are clearly trying to stir debate and discontent, political even
i sugest you go and spam Daily Mail, we dont care of politics here pal


I was going to say something about a country in Asia, but I am afraid I would get banned.

For °C to °F you multiply it by 1.8 and then add 32. For example, 25°C is 77°F:

  • 25 * 1.8 = 45
  • 45 + 32 = 77

That being said, if they just need a rough number most people just double it and add thirty-two instead as it’s easier.

To go from °F to °C you do it in reverse - Subtract 32 and then divide the new number by 1.8 (or half it). So 50°F is 10°C:

  • 50 - 32 = 18
  • 18 / 1.8 = 10


  • °C to °F: Double and add 32.
  • °F to °C: Take away 32 and then half it.

If you need total accuracy, use 1.8 rather than doubling and halving. :slight_smile:


For people who confused.

1degree C = 33.8 degree F
(1°C × 9/5) + 32 = 33.8 °F

Both F and C can be called degree…

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I have only summarised but you were not banned for assuming C, when the poster meant F. You were likely banned because you took the discussion to politics and nationalism…just like you have here, entirely unprovoked in this case.

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Yeap, best stay away from politics my fellow gnome main. We all have unique outlooks on things and that can at times lead to some people being offended.

Nah dont be upset about it.

In fact if anything you should be grateful you quickly got to see the “level” of US just by tumbling in the forums…

Its even worse in-game, where the worst EU guy you pug in a M+ is a GOD in gameplay compared to the Trash that is US players.

Just stay on this side of things and you’ll be fine

At risk of delving into politics, as far as I’ll go is to say "The UK is possibly leaving the EU. Which is what makes the whole business so fraught.


I see you want to get banned here too by trolling your agenda nobody cares about.

Not sure if this one is easier to read than the last one I posted


That would be an atomic bomb in the right online forum. Thats a very politicality changed post to make at the moment. Some people can lose the plot over less provocate statements. Sadly I am not joking.

@ELF OP no employee should call names, it brings their company into disrepute and under most employment contracts it would normally be a sackable offence. IF true, to call you eurotrash and then ban you looks vindictive and prejudiced. Not likely based on the forum rules at all. I would make a complaint letter, get your lawyer to send it to blizzards head office with proof of what happened. That way you will get a reply. Don’t do it if you did something wrong.

We should all just use Kelvin an be happy I guess

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I would have found it funnier if the person who screencapped it had used the developer/source view of their web browser to edit the year of the post time to be 2192 rather than leave it at 2019…

The other thing is, not getting into the politics of it all, trust me, I am a Brit and we’re sick of the whole thing, is that as far as I’m aware (a euphemism for ‘I am 100% right’) Norwegian players play on the EU servers.

Norway has never been in the European Union. It is in EFTA instead, along with Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, all of whom also play on EU servers…

So I guess there is your answer


cannot, there is no Danish on the list

That would have been clever :slight_smile:

I think most of my non UK gaming friends have sent me that joke now :laughing: