People still believe that UK is leaving EU ?
The economies and interests are too tied up for that to happen these days.
People still believe that UK is leaving EU ?
The economies and interests are too tied up for that to happen these days.
I’m typically against imperialism and forced cultural conversion but…
wait wait wait, You got banned for saying “90°C is far too much, that it shouldn’t go above 60°C” on US forums?
Care to provide a link to the post you are referring to, please?
I really hate politics personally. Someone gets elected and then they go to serve their own interests, not the interests of the people who elected them. Been like that for centuries. I… really dislike the whole storm about brexit so I am not even going to touch base on that!
I prefer ignoring it.
I really wish people would keep all politics out of wow and the forums.
I have zero interest in seeing it here. That is IRL stuff, this is gaming. They can discuss Anduin, Tyrande, Sylvanas, Saurfang etc.
I’m even more confused by WoW politics than irl politics tbf wth is this war actually about???
At least in wow we can just blame bad story writing
Woah, Il’Gynoth called it - ‘The golden one claims a vacant throne.’
How did he know Boris Johnson would become the UK prime minister?
Have N’Zoth’s whispers spread this far?
“Three lies will he tell you…”
The UK older people are one of the only who use both, we use Celsius when it’s cold and Fahrenheit when it’s hot.
I think there is more to it than just them calling you names, (Which you can report them for) you probably called them something too.
Got deleted.
I was talking about how I assumed °C because it’s international standard - and for this post I was banned for “trolling”.
Well, the title of this thread aged well…
no worries, there will be no Brexit. UK won’t leave EU
First of all, it is well known they use part of the imperial system in the US, ie miles, feet and inches, but also they have some differences eg US/UK gallon etc. Secondly seeing as they are all very confused, they did manage to fly past and miss Mars in one of their probes!
Well, they do not much like Europeans, they have a few derogatory terms, and Europeans do return the favour. Not only culturally but also trade wars and military competition. The EU is out to compete with the US. Except the UK who are more like the US in their economy.
It seems to me this is the textbook forum ban reason these days. Maybe we should do a poll, “have you been banned for trolling recently”…
The SI unit for temperature measurement is ACTUALLY… Kelvin.
0 Kelvin is absolute zero or -273.15°C, so it most closely correlates to Celsius, as one degree of each is the same amount of change.
[quote=“Dottie-thunderhorn, post:52, topic:97274, full:true”]
The UK older people are one of the only who use both, we use Celsius when it’s cold and Fahrenheit when it’s hot. [/quote]
As an American who lives in the UK, the thing that makes me laugh when my coworkers and other give me a bad time about using imperial is that Brits are pretty inconsistent with it themselves. We buy fuel in litres but measure distance with miles (not KM). And beer (for those who drink it) is sold in pints / half pints (or whatever) not ML.
I just find it funny.
In most of the world, beer is sold in cL (centilitres) or mL (mililitres), not in ML (megalitres).
strangely enough what “pints” and “half pints” means, as beer usually comes in 2 sizes - 50cL and 33cL
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