Moderators can you please delete this post, I’m no longer in need of this thread. Thank you!
Hi, I don’t really know how to go about this but I really want to find a social, friendly and active guild. I don’t mind which faction or which server.
I don’t mean to sound sad or cringe but for me the social aspect of WoW is a big reason why I love this game, and so far every guild I have been in, it’s not worked out. Either people turn toxic or the guild just goes inactive. At the end of the day all I want is to make friends, I’m fine with changing factions/ servers as long as I can find a guild that I can call home.
I currently have Alliance on Quel-Thalas and Horde characters on Draenor, but like I said I really don’t mind changing servers and starting over.
Moderators can you please delete this post, I’m no longer in need of this thread. Thank you!
Hey, sent you a friend request, its Mortemxdraco#2845 
Hey man! We might be the sort of thing you’re looking for.
Add me on Battle Tag at FeralKitteh#2837, and we can have a chat!
Until then, here’s our recruitment forum: [A] <Moonfall> - Argent Dawn EU - PvE/PvP/RP/Fun/Social
Hello Nrith,
Left Hand Path - Thunderhorn EU, is a 12 year old guild with a strong social side.
While not being a hardcore raiding guild we still progress at a steady pace, but most of all we try to have as much fun as we can while playing.
We have raids on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20:00ST to 23:00ST
Aside from raiding we also try to do other things like arena’s, M+ and other activities.
If you’re interested in joining feel free to poke Seraphiell#4484 (discord) or Kratos#2492 (ingame)
Heya Nrith! We have a friendly, active guild on Magtheridon server (horde) that could be a lovely new home for you!
We have plenty of chilled out, helpful people up for running content together and having a laugh. We have a discord server where we keep in touch even when we can’t be online in game (it keeps me sane at work sometimes!
We have loads of activities going on from raids (normal and heroic) to dungeons to social events where we go for old raid achievements or mog runs or just play a bit of hide and seek!
If any of that sounds good to you add me on Discord (Tea003#8087) or BNet (Tea003#2501) for a chat and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have