EU not worth it

Compensation not for us - ok fine.
Terminate my subscription - and i start it at 22.08 - i did not get 1 day but you will lose 21 days. i know you don’t care so why should I. Best PR stunt EVER – YEY!


I could have use for your gold if you have some to spare before you go. Either that or I buy token.


We didn’t have downtime.


We haven’t had massive downtime like the US has?


Server Lagged whole day

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There has been no significant downtime unlike the US. They have all rights on the one day, let’s hope the actual launch goes better.

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i know warbank tabs are expensive but i only have 1,2 mil - so still be short for 2,5 one :slight_smile:

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I would prefer na pvp scene over eu but latency would be terrible if left eu to play na.

I got about 10k each spread across 8 chars, Im broke :dracthyr_lulmao:


We didnt even have that much downtime…

yes please

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Dont go, you seem like alright and fun person to hang around spend time with, sure its not all that bad. Even with the slight chance for gold, in light of this I would prefer you stay. :smiley:

China had Compensation for coming back to WoW. they even get rewarded for reporting bad behaviour.

try not to be entitled to other people’s misfortunes.

“I’ll be back” - already bought the expansion :rofl: (all because the warband system) hihi
And MR. Chris Metzen said it is best time to come back :heartpulse:


So you think you deserve an extra day because the US servers had issues that kept them offline for much longer than they should have been? That’s not how it works.

Entitled much?


Sometimes you just don’t really know what to say in some of these threads.

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“can I have your gold” seem to be what I see said most in them :dracthyr_a1:

True, sometimes I normally say the forums aren’t an airport, so no need to announce your departure.

But sometimes I wish the threads of people wishing to express their frustration had a bit more thought behind them xD

I took the route of honesty by requesting the departure ones gold and informing that if the request not met then resorting on buying token instead :dracthyr_a1:

This is one of the greatest injustices of our time!

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