EU not worth it

If the compesation had been for a buggy patch I could understand the upset but the compensation was for downtime of the whole game.

In case you are unaware. The NA realms didn’t come back up for the whole day due to issues with the patch. In contrast the EU maintenance ended early. The compensation s for losing a whole day of play. Not for bugs.

I don’t know who is spreading the rumours that this is for bugs. They are mistaken. This was the statement which explains it’s for the loss of playtime on their patch day:-

We wanted to take a moment to recognize that the first day of the pre-expansion content update for The War Within resulted in extended downtime for many players in North American realms. In recognition of this, we’re adding one day of extra game time to every subscription in North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand for accounts which were active as of July 23, 2024.

We anticipate providing this compensation to affected players on or before August 15, 2024. Players will be able to view their game time by visiting

We appreciate your continued patience as we navigate through any lingering issues to ensure that player experience going forward into the launch of The War Within expansion goes smoothly starting with Early Access on August 22 and the global launch on August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT.


I wonder what made us special to not have this issue.

The worked out all the kinks applying it to the NA. We benefited from their downtime.

They applied the fixed patch to EU.


oh yea they had it before us, makes sense.

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Those kinkshaming kinkphobes.


No, but we sure as hell can’t do much in the prepatch. If you’re a physical damage class in PvP, you’re useless for the next 4 weeks, thanks to the changes.

If you were farming old raids for tmog before the patch, you now no longer can solo the stuff you could previously, because they tripled the HP for SL raid bosses.

Also the warbank is STILL!!! disabled. Also the amount of bugs, and order hall issues I’ve encountered is hilarious.

I resubbed for this crap.

PvP. Who PvPs?

I wasn’t.

I still have loads of space in my personal banks and guild bank.

I know, but I’m old school. I thrive on bugs. Makes me feel young again! :stuck_out_tongue:

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There is nothing wrong with people complaining about the things that are broken ofc. I am hoping with reset some of it will get fixed.


When will there be a reset?

The daily reset is usually in the middle of the night.

So because you don’t take an interest in a certain aspect of the game means no one plays it? You ever heard of empathy?

You’re old school so you enjoy a game riddled with bugs. Alright. That’s the end of that conversation.

I didn’t say that no one plays it. I asked who PvPs.

Coming from a PvPer that is extremely ironic. :sweat_smile:

Of course I want stuff to be fixed. But I’m from a time when a whole server was offline for days. I’m battle-hardened, so to speak. :blush:

Which means I don’t go demanding money because I had lagspikes for a day. :person_shrugging:t3:

The US is Beta testers for us in the EU. Kinda makes you wonder what is the point of PTR when stuff is release this broken.

Mental gymnastics at it’s finest. You know exactly what you were saying.

Being old school and senile are very different things.

I do indeed. You, apparently, do not know what I was saying.
That’s why I explained that those two things are not the same.

Ohhhh, good comeback sir. Very well done. Insults are THE best way to discuss things.

I think we’re done here.

So you’re trying to tell me you’re genuinly asking me to sit down and name every single individual who PvPs? Give me a break. :joy:

You could’ve just said you don’t care for it, and neither should anyone else, because the world revolves around a certain someone.

Anyway, enjoy your bugs and months of servers offline, or whatever is it you people did back in the old days. :joy:

No. That’s not what I was saying either.
So you really don’t get it.

I’m not going to explain it to you though.
Because you’re not being very nice. Or even any sort of decent.

Bye bye.

Because you can’t, because I already called you up on it.

Bye bye indeed.

Maybe step outside bro. UK hasn’t been affected as much as the US.

Can we get your gold ?

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