EU not worth it

The weekly reset/maintenance is usually in the early hours of Wednesday.

Me, who I am? I PvP :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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I was very suprised to see US gets extra game time for downtime it’s a good and fair thing to do.

Last time i recall it happened during Vanilla/TBC/WoTLK since then i can’t remember them to do it.

Between BFA and DF there were a few maintances or server crashes that lasted almost a day in EU and we did not get extra game time. Perhaps they revert to the old policy?

Because I play in the EU.

Be thankful I’m here as Blizzard wouldn’t dare risking my vengeance.


I play pvp, havent played anything else in years :smiley:

lies! you too nice

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That makes no sense, anyone can play it :laughing:

Theres now even solo rbg, could try it out I think its decent.

in that case, which pvp´er are you? the nose picker or the bone crusher?

Eh neither from those options, need better choises :dracthyr_a1:

You quoted me without showing the initial post I replyed to you where you wondered who plays pvp so I needed to add it in case someone would wonder I would just randomly declare to play pvp, ive noticed ppl dont usually read the whole threads, they look whats at bottom and move on from that. So I add the context :smiley:

It wasn’t out of context: I responded to your response to me.
I’m not going to quote every single post that was involved in that one answer. :sweat_smile:

Anyway… Thanks for answering.
I’m off to watch a House of the Dragon episode. Goodnight.

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Which one caps bases? It feels good to play battlegrounds again, its been too long :laughing:

My richest char have 20k

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oh, you´re a druid doing druid things… so umm, when it comes to druids and PVP… ummm no idea what kinda pvp´er you are.

Am I late from the “can I have your gold, pets crafting mats?” party?

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you look like you make puppets.

Must have affected only you then, because I have seen not a single complaint yesterday across my entire 8h of play.

You should know better😄