[EU-PVE] Pyrewood Village - <Coffee Addicts Anonymous> - [Alliance] - Semi hardcore raiding - 18+

Raid times are perfect for me. Seems like a well prepared and really organized guild! Can’t wait for launch!

Hi, what classes/specs are you still looking to join?

Warlocks and Hunters would go nicely with a healadin :wink:

There is yelling for holy paladins. Crazy world we’ve arrived in.

Let’s go healadins!

Still at 3/5 holy paladins. Apply today!

A fury switched to rogue so 1 spot for an exceptional fury warrior.

Just a heads up to recruits, we are recruiting 48 or so raiders total to cover absences so you will be expected to sit out the odd raid. Had several recruits who had an issue with this.

Need holy warrior friends!

Still looking for 2 Healadin and a Fury Warrior.

most organized guild ive seen so far for classic wow, members are quite willing to give their best

Where the holy pallies at?

I see them hiding away…

To applicants - please try to answer more than 2 lines for a 4 question app - its not hard to write a bit more!

Holy paladins are down to one spot! In talks with a warlock! Times running out recruits! Join a guild that’s cherry picked 40 members instead of posting their discord invites to all and sundry!

Seems like a great group of people, looking forward to hitting the ground running with you guys!

Still have a few spots open for what’s shaping up to be a chill & no-nonsense ride through Classic!

Fury warrior spot closed.

Want to be get the legit vanilla experience of being screamed at over ventrilo? Well we use discord, but I can promise the borderline abusive raid leader is still there.

One more holy paladin and some warlocks would complete the roster of enthusiastic and skilled players!