European Attitude towards Russians


Has anyone else noticed that if you join a random BG and the opposing team is Russian instantly people just roll-over and give up? Even if it’s just a Russian pug - not a premade.

Why do we Europeans have this mentality that Russians are far superior to us and just lay down every game? Genuinely curious to where this attitude has come from but it’s getting ridiculous every-time you face Russians you get someone in every game saying “Russians let’s just loose fast”.

Few games I’ve noticed some of the Russian players are awful. We’ve got far more damage/better setups yet with our defeatist attitude they still win. Garbage attitude.


Fair enough that Russians are winning etc/playing better but the Euro defeatist mentality just gets boring after a while. It’s every single game against Russians you’ll get 2-3 people in the chat going “Just give up they’re Russian.”


Just look as this forum, everyone just complains about them every day.

I agree with you, it’s not like they were invincible, but attitudes are hard to break.

Yes Russians like to tryhard video games but the undending ammount of posts is probably even worse than getting your backside handed to you by a Russian group.

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Noone actually thinks they’re superior…(atleast I sure hope noone is that dumb) they’re just annoying. Plain and simple.

People give up and leave because they don’t want to get annoyed which is what will happen MOST OF THE TIME if you stay. Why? Well that is debated to death at this point.


I’m not “a” european. I’m Portuguese. And a Tauren.

I dont know where these wimps hail from but sure there are some almost every battleground against Russians or Germans who cry that tune.

Ignore them, hope they leave quickly and true fighters replace them.

I’ll fight anyone to the last in any battleground.

Theia-shoush ahmen


Unlike “us” they stay in one group.

Staying in one group is always the best strategy.

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I insta afk when i see ruski groups. I’m not gonna feed their hk’s fetish


this giving up bs vs russians is the real cancer!
russians isnt that good, the ally ones are worse then the horde

ive lost count on how many times some retard spam ”its russians, we lose” and then we run in, pop bl and stomp them hard

but also the times we lose with small margin cuz some losers left at start cuz they see its russians is many.

dont queue if u gonna cry everytime u face russians!


Can’t say I leave BGs whenever I see Russians, but for one reason or the other it is just never ever enjoyable (regardless of the win or loss). And well, it can be just me but I don’t do random battlegrounds for the rewards, honor or conquest (barely get that anyways ><)…just for fun.

So when the sole factor to do random battlegrounds gets removed, ofc people complain.

Up for a casual bg? -> get absolutely zerged by a highly coordinated mythic-raid gear level raidgroup with a perfect group-setup etc etc. Yea, fun.

And that I see more than “just lose quickly”, more the “ugh not again, really just cba anymore”.

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Hahaha absolutely pathetic
You automatically assume its a loss as soon as you see them

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The simple fact is Blizzard do not and will never have the slightest care as long as the subs keep rolling in. You never see a blue response with regards to this . I also asked them a simple question how do you only see a full set up of Russians yet you never see them in randoms unless they have been invited they fk wits couldn’t even respond to that but apart from that Its a bit strange how on certain days you only see groups of 40 Russians nothing else where the fk are all the other Eu based players yet again blizzard cant be bothered to answer that


Very very bad experience with them? Is that reason enough good for you? As a Horde i have never ever won a single Epic BGs vs Russians, since BFA. And epic BGs are like 90% + Russians Alliance. It’s not that Russians are better, they are not, but they play dirty, they just farm HKs. they have time to play for hours. We don’t like that kind of PvP so we leave BGs as soon as we see Russians. Hence, if i want to win an epic bg i have to go mercenary as Alliance. Can someone enlighten me how is it possible then out of 10 Epic BGs at least 9 are Russians?
Normal BGs vs Russians are doable and i don’t mind losing as long as Russians pop up only every fifth or sixth BG. I never leave normal BGs.
The problem could be solved easily with merging Russian servers with other EU servers for PvP only.

Since Blizzard don’t care about fair play (money is first, right?) i simply have no idea what to do. I would really like to stay Horde for the first time (i used to be alliance previous expacs) but i am in serious doubt that i can eat such an ignoring state from Blizzard any more. They simply force you to rerol Alliance.

All of us, who complain against Russians, are just a bad players, problem solved.


It is not enjoyable to play against Russians. BGs with German or EU groups are sometimes plenty fun and hillarious, win or lose. That is all there is to it as far as im concerned.


Going from 100 fps to 3 seconds on instant cast spell in 40vs40 is not enjoyable. Being able to hit anything since of the matrix movement is not enjoyable. Being one shoot cause you just happened to phase into their group is not enjoyable. Being on the same team for a change and having Google translate on 2nd monitor in not enjoyable.


Actually regardless of Russians you can tell like 70% certainty who’s gonna dominate the BG only by looking at the class list before the fight even begins.
In BfA the outcome of a BG is about pure luck: which team has better geared players and better hand of classes, individual skills and tactics doesn’t matter.
Russians just remove the random factor from the initial BG setup: they always sign up with healers, always zerg in one group and afk-kick all low geared players.
So assuming it is a lost as soon as you see them is common sense, like playing Russian roulette (pun intended) with 5 bullets is not gambling but suicide.


At the weekend were against the French. They just left the battlefield. Although we had no primeid. Well, we usually against the Russian Alliance, too, leave the field. This is a battle for more than an hour and a waste of time. The problem of Russian prims is not only for euro players. The Russian horde prima less. And on the alliance there are 3-4 people who lead the Prime 24/7. Influencing them, we also can not even Russian. As on equal terms with random games from Russia or Europe, we also cannot often. Epic bg is either Russians on an alliance or rarely French or Germans. but will they want to play here as they usually just leave. probably think that we have primeid. Russian prims create problems for Russian casual players who want to play fair.


I liked your post although I don’t really like it - I just like the fact you’ve been honest about it. We need more of that here so people can see things from a Russian perspective and you don’t all get lumped into the same category.

It’s almost unfathomable how such a small group of people can turn an aspect of this game into such a clusterf*** for so many others.

There are 3-4 leaders in the alliance. Орёлик, Резал, Ларкус and Партизан. They lead primeid farm hk. You can leave the battlefield if you see these nicknames in Cyrillic. Winning is not realistic. But if there are no such nicknames, the Russian players want the Europeans to remain playing. But Europeans simply do not even leave our prims. Especially the French. We were already glad that it was not a Russian primeid at the weekend. hoping to play but no, it didn’t work out. They left. Therefore, we ourselves can not normally play being just casual.

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I totally recognise those names lol. I run BGE so I can see the English equivalent but can’t really pair the English BGE name to the Cyrillic scoreboard names. What are they in English?

Resal, Oryolik, Partizan, Larkus.