European Attitude towards Russians

Germans also said wow is not playable anymore 2 bgs ago. Dont think there will be subscriber anymore.

Isn’t it? I would say I’m surprised but I’m really not. Most people who abuse a system to get the easy life can’t really rise up to fair challenges.

Not surprised, but am definitely disappointed.

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Well , eu horde twin peaks lost again. 3 german , 2 russian rest eu player. Germans saying something russians saying something nobody understanding each other.

I actually think there’s plenty of Russians who would be quite happy to see these people quit. Especially now they can group up with misfits and reprobates in normal battlegrounds without fear of being kicked/blacklisted for being unique.

I don’t know about Germans mind you, don;t see many of them post.

But anyone who plays one aspect of this game solely, 24/7, in such a manner as to disrupt/upset most of the paying population in EU won’t be a missed asset.

GG Bliz. You have restored my faith in you somewhat. I look forward to meeting/playing with my new foreign friends and learning new foreign swear words lol :smiley:

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You did it. You forced everyone on to the forums for years.

GG you :smiley:

I can assure you when this game dies it won’t be because RA went down rofl

Seems like a L2P issue to me.


Ratings dont matter if you can’t win a bg game :grin:


but but but… so’s the other side ROFL.

You don’t play in a vacuum. How are all these people beating you if they all have the same issues? I mean … you’re a rated guy wtf???

I havn’t enjoyed myself like this on a forum in a long time :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah just deleted credit card from my battlenet account. Last 2 months for me unless something there is good.

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And I just told my cousin what’s happened. He’s resubscribed LOL :smiley:

Like you thought Blizzard weren’t going to do anything about all the Russian complaints?

So, anyway, now that you’ve resigned to quit what happens now? What new game is going to eat up all your time?

It seems merging servers didnt change bg que times too. Stil same. What a shame.

1 bg before on alterac russians were writing very bad things about eu players. I’m glad eu players didnt understand them.

When I go to BG, I do not feel the team spirit, every man for himself and I feel lonely among all the players, I feel like a stranger.

You are not alone , thats why I canceled my subscription.

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: pro Russia player, thank god, one less

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After 1234-840 gilneas loss , eu players are leaving bg , while rusians used to fight and win.

Just had my first BG with EU players. OMG. There’s like zero organization, everyone for himself. Do you know that RL do exist? If you don’t want to lead and assign objectives set groups etc, why don’t you give RL to someone who cares?

It’s no surprise you guys used to loose so much against Russians.

Yes every man for himself unfortunately , russian horde german horde eu horde ru alliance all lose bgs.

They do whatever they want on the bg. They dont listen only 1 player.

If you want to go mines you cant go mines on ru bg without rl allowing you.