European Attitude towards Russians


Now I’m on my german horde , lost again , russian horde bg lost , russian alliance bg lost , no matter what you join always lose.

Sounds like the other sides are consistently overcoming the new challenges of playing mixed while you are not.

I told defend 2 bases we dont need 3 bases on arathi basin 1 hour ago, normally on russian or german bg , they understand me when I speak with them in german or russian.

But there are germans , russian and english people at the same time. gave the rest of the 2 bases to alliance. Lost again. Because 3 different language players in same bg , they dont even understand what you say.

So be ready for having lower win rates from now on. Back then you were winning a lot more on eng server just saying.

You can clearly speak English… Germans for the most part can speak English just fine aswel.

So why not just speak English like you’re doing here aswel?

From the 7 BG I’ve done so far only 1 was lost… I don’t see the problem tbh.

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On horde I lost all , on alliance I lost all.

Nobody will learn english , we wil just quit the game after bfa. Germans dont speak english too , if they knew they would defend 2 bases against alliance and win.

Eng horde , german horde and russian horde win rates will be very low now.

Man you are so full of ****.

You’re typing to me in English on Eu forums telling me you lost a game because there were English players who didn’t understand you?

You played 36 games in 4 hours across multiple alts which is actually impossible unless you afk’d out of every single one and had amazing instantaneous queue times.

You’re clearly panic-trolling here.

I actually have no sympathy for you. We told you something would happen. You said no it wouldn’t you been doing it for years Blizz don’t care “L2P”. People called us xenophobic for complaining about you and you encouraged them. However here we are all mixed together and you don’t like it one bit.

Well, here it is. Karma has arrived my friend.


I have 16 characters more than 400 ilvl , I leave and switch other , why would I stay 1200-734 loss bg.

42nd bg now. Only 1 win.

This ^

He’s full of ****. If it weren’t for his outrageous BG number claims I might have bought it but that’s just hilarious.

I dont care who i play againts, but almost everytime when i play againts russia players, i get crazy lags, even when my internet works perfectly fine.
Yesterday i go 5 bgs, 2 againts Europa players ( servers - burning legion, sunstrider, stormscale, draenor ) and 3 was againts full russia team - 2 times lags followed 2 disconnects and 1 just lags through whole bg.
I have enough those russia bgs, i dont care if i lose or win againts them, but everytime Its laggy bg for me…

Just que horde bg dude and tell me if you will have over 38% win rate.

There are germans and russian who wont understand single thing from you.

Just joined gilneas on horde , english rogue said he will defend mines , alliance rogue came sapped and assaulted base , and why would I play with these players?

38% now? It’s climbing already! :smiley:

I actually have to work to fund my hobbies so will have to be later but yea, I will be queuing and am looking forward to it. Sounds much more enjoyable than queuing against RA every night hoping for a cheesy WG defense win.

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its maximum you can get if you are lucky.

Just joined gilneas on horde , german horde rogue player didnt know english told he will defend mines , I translated it to team mates , they said ok.

Then alliance rogue came sapped him and took the base. Lots of scrubs.

Yeap. That’s what we play with when we don’t premade and kick people we don’t like. You’ve been living the high-life for so long it’s gonna be difficult, but you’ll get used to it.

Glad to hear you’re overcoming the language thing though. Multilingual people like you are gonna be important in the coming weeks. You have a chance to shine in this new age of WoW Bgs. :smiley:

Naah I will just quit wow after bfa.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome!

I will just leave , we were talking about leaving game on our community few minutes ago and unsubscribe.

You know, that’s absolutely hilarious. The moment your advantage is gone you cry and leave.

Well if you’re all really like that good riddance I say(though I’m sure not everyone is a quitter on team RU).
