European Attitude towards Russians

why does everyone need to know how to play?? Dont you realise there are people out there that don’t want to be elite arena pvpers? Maybe people who don’t NEED to win to make them happy? That’s what rated BG’s are for, no?? Why don’t you start a rated community and play with people who want to win just as much as you instead of enjoying the farm of the people who are more casual. or just delete your account like you said

Both sides losing now. And why do I want to play with players who farms raider io scores every season and who make 1 mythic key a day at least. We farm our ilvl from arena and rated bg , And I’m getting players with on their gear mythic 10 writing. While our gears writing duelist or elite. Its just terrible.

I dont want to be in same bg with mythic 10 gear writing players.

Then don’t join.
Play the parts of the game you want to play, avoid the rest.

So? Its random battleground, R A N D O M
If you wanna choose who you play with, there is rated bgs for you.

Back then in russian bgs , we didnt have pve gear players. Blizz ruined up.

There are still full russian/german/french teams in 10-15 bgs. I just won vs 15 players from german realms.

It wasnt my point , I’m saying why am I playing with mythic7 or mythic 10 writing people.

Used to play with duelist , rival or elite gear players on bgs.

I hate that too. They should have pvp gear like the old days. Sucks people come in with mythic gear when pvp rewards are so limited.

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Yes , On my pvp toons I dont even have single key or raid gear. I farmed them after 2100 rating arena wins. I dont want to be in same bg with mythic 10 gear writing players.

And why shouldn’t you play with people who want to play pvp casually, what’s wrong with not having fully experienced pvp team?
And what’s wrong with losing some games, I just don’t get your logic.

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When you go bgs , you are having mythic 10 writing players now.

Used to be duelist gear players on russian bgs.

Pve players cant kill player and win bg.

But what’s so wrong about losing some games?
Can’t you handle some loses?

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I get what he’s saying here and I totally agree. I think Blizz screwed up here with having pve gear equal pvp. In fact its better then pvp gear currently. If you don’t want to pve youre at a disadvantage in bgs against the people that do. seems a bit broken

Yeah I cant handle it , I used to win. I go a bg with 10.000k damage and losing every one of them because rest of the team is making 2000k damaging and have mythic 10 writing gear.

When you’re used to free wins due to EU leavers its a hard thing to get used to when you actually have to play again :sob:

No, he’s saying that he doesn’t want to play with people with PvE gear, not because they do more dmg or healing, but because they lack PvP experience.

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Not to add most bis trinkets come from end game raid. This season we only had maledict trinket.

So now it’s about gear? seriously?


The people playing against you have the same gear anyway… it doesn’t matter.

Yeah its about gear , bring pvp resilience rating and see how turn out pvp.

Most 420 ilvl 8.1 patch player would get farmed with end game raiding gear if they bring pvp resilience rating back.

You’re actually having difficulty winning for the first time and NOW you’re talking about gear being an issue…

I’ve been lurking for a long time and I’ve never seen you mention it.

edit: I’ll add that I do agree that PvP gear SHOULD be better for PvP. But your timing is a little weird don’t you think :stuck_out_tongue: