European Attitude towards Russians

the gear thing in bgs is an issue… for another thread ofc… but still. bugs me too

If they bring pvp gears back , pve players wont que bgs with mythic 10 gear. Which makes real challange on bgs.

Most eu alliance and eu horde lose because we are having 1600 raider io score players with getting farmed in graveyard. They lack of pvp exp. If they bring pvp gears , we will have pvp resilience rating players , and both sides will have actual pvp players on bgs.

And both sides wont complain they lose anymore. Because players who que bgs will be with pvp resilience rating gear with bg exp.

“Both sides are loosing” :smiley:

This russian guy is mad its funny. He trolling here for months telling us to l2p and now he lost 40 bgs and won 1? It cant be more funny. Also he admit that he leaved most of his bgs which is thing he laugh at before. Wow just wow im speechless.


Russian horde german horde all lose bgs now.

Dont be happy , you will have loss streaks now. even more than before.

And when will it dawn on you what caused blizz to make this change, or actions of certain parties that led to it.

They made it because on ru and german servers there were no epic bg after 11.30 pm server time. People were getting offline if they want to play epic bg.

Your source?

Me , My mother is german born in mönchengladbach , I play german servers too. After 11.30 pm , epics were unplayable except eng.

OMG :smiley:
You’re really something else…

Well I just talked to my marshmallow and he thinks you are delusional and tell porkies- but he does believe your mother is german born in mönchengladbach.


Its very simple.
Its the ancient wow AV situation. “Horde always loses. Alliance always wins”

Its all psychological, driven by bad players who complain and complain and never learn. Spreading this toxic, awful energy throughout the playerbase.

The reason russians win in bgs mostly is not because " Omg, hacks, omg voicechat, omg 40 man premade ( which do exist but are rare)"

Its because of 1 single thing. Russians smash into you at start. And Eu players panic and dont expect that and then when they get wiped they give up and begin channeling the stupid aura " Lost. GG. Russians. cant win. Hacks"

The premade of friends I have crush russians, germans, even X2 premades on the same team ( crazy story) daily. Because we smash into them as well, we know who to hit. How to play.

Its very simple. In real war we call it the shock effect. In medieval terms known as Shock cavalry. Smash in, demoralize the team. GG WP. battle over immediately.

And although some might argue that sounds over-analytical its simply a fact. And its demonstrably proven almost every single BG versus russians. people even anticipate it when checking if the opposite team have cyrillic letters in their names.

The problem isn’t that russians are better. Its the fact that EU players wont adapt to the strategy and wont learn to play like an RBG team would.

The problem is the player who complains and the impact it has on morale. Not the opposite team.

Now I’ll wait for replies telling me Im wrong and that 90 % of russians use voice chat and hacks and 10-40 man premade always.
The only thing going on on Russian voice chat are insane insults and yelling if someone isn’t following the group.

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I think the major part of RU domination on eBG was a smaller player pool. I entered Alterac and every time i knew 20 names and though we werent a premade we acted as one.
Also if you explained the tactics to the raid chances were very high you would meet the very same people the next game. And after 10 games they are well prepared, so your effort is not wasted. It wasnt about 2000 rating as Lana says. And not great pve players.
I had awful games today with EU. I tried to explain IOC strategy which isnt a rocket physics, and people were mostly unaware and unwilling. I happened to win 1 game out of 4 cuz the Horde was even worse finally.
I never joined HK farmers, but I liked playing orginized and offensive. This culture will be lost and I miss it, I dont like even winning with brainless people who happen to win just because the opponent was even worse.

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Its battleground week win 4 get a star, always like this at the start and after reset.

As for pool players I end up with quite a few familiar names in epics, even same merc afk duded( havnt seen for a couple weeks, maybe blizz took away merc privillage)
When I que with a friend however kassak they are different group of players.

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You know why that was? You played Random BG’s in organised groups that queue bugged to get several groups of 5 into the same BG, therefore allowing you to have Rated BG comps and communication.

Is it any wonder that when you are denied this and have to face the reality of random BG’s with no comms you are seeing the same WR as the rest of us?

To keep playing the way you were go and do Rated BG’s - oh but then you wont be able to Farm HK’s.

We won by communicating in the same language, now we have taken it away and I have to suffer with clowns from other countries and lose because they cannot write and cannot say what needs to be done to win, every man for himself.

Most of the time we lose against russians group are because our team runs around like a bunch of headlesss chickens.

So suddenly it is not an L2P issue anymore?

What is L2P?

Learn to play. He wrote this because one of your comrades(night elf druid) trolling here on our forum for months telling us to learn to play, bragging how he have 90% winrate how good he is and how bad we are and then after merge he was crying here like baby that he lost 40 bgs and won 1. Really hilarious stuff man . So thats the point.

Press 2 buttons, a lot of mental abilities do not need, the main organization of the team.