European Attitude towards Russians

Because I can’t post pictures and I do feel like it’s best answered that way.

https:// media.giphy. com/media/EouEzI5bBR8uk/giphy.gif

read what they say about us then if you dont believe. we won 11 in a row until losing one with them. especially if you have players from ravencrest, outland and aegwyn that numbers are increasing.

Lmao, well I stand corrected :joy:

Ofcourse you’d make a screenshot of it.

11 epic bg win in a row until actually losing one.

Especially , on alterac valley , I put them in middle and told them stay and let horde come , we will farm them. We farmed horde with eu players until they lack of reinforcements.

Of course you have a screenshot :smiley:

You know, the penny just dropped. Something I never considered, while I was advocating merged groups, was the fact I would have to read your constant chat in Bgs as well as forums bragging about yourself. =(

Well , since they listen russian tactics its not that bad all. I still put them in middle and farm horde in middle if I’m in the bg. Nothing changed.

Not to mention If you have players from aegwyn , outland , ravencrest your win chances are very high.

“They” being one player, the same one in both screenshots.
Point taken though - I don’t mind playing with anyone including Russians.
I think it’s all going OK so far.

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Yeah eu win rates seems to be as same as russian alliance win rates after yesterdays patch.

When I joined eu bgs all used to go attack towers. Now we russians tell them to get back and defend and they say listen to russians and defend get bunkers back they always win.

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So does this mean you’ve cancelled your cancellation?

For now , because right now my 6th epic bg 6th win again soon

Good. Despite your penchant for pointing at yourself quite a lot, I meant what I said yesterday when I said folk like you will be good to have in BGs to help bridge communication barriers. Eventually we’ll all get used to it when someone calls out a location in another language, but it will take a wee while to get there.

Other russian bg community leaders said they win a lot more than russian bgs. More frequent more wins.

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