Not obsolete but you correct. Since you can gear via M+ only have to deal with 4 other players most people opt for this.
I consider myself someone who plays when he wants to.
I am not someone in some weird kind of race.
Thats just the mindset of a very select few.
My advice just do the same as me if you wanna do some m+ do some m+ if you wanna do pvp do some pvp if you wanna do some old raids do some old raids etc,etc,etc.
for the same reaosn people play mmorpg
to feel that over time we are all stronger and can decimate stuff in world to farm stuff that feeds smaller or larger collectionist OCDs
from day 1 it was all meaningless but its what hooked people on mmorpgs.
otherwise they would play single player prg games which have much better story
Agree…sepulcher is an overkill…there have to be a challenge …but come on.
And the gazillion nerfs since opening only supports that view.
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