Every game rogue in AWC?

Shadenox is the white knight of the rogues who gonna rescue all the buffs of them

If a class overtuned on 3s it is most likely gonna also overperform on the 2s. Only exception is to this maybe a boomkin because of its spec design.

If both 3s and 2s brackets are full of rogues that means rogue is overtuned. Also the the outlaw alone is untouchable it does not need a mage.

Currently both demo warlocks and rogues are overtuned. After recent changes mage is only good because of the rogues, Warrior/Mage/X, Warlock/Mage/X and WW/Mage/X is not viable enough anymore.

Also everything takes skill in rated. Saying x bracket/class/spec takes zero skill means you don’t have a skill for that and you can’t accept it.

You have to be trolling, mage is viable with every spec on the game, and war or ww/mage are the most powerful after rmx.

Also dunno where you have been but mlx is still broken and played currently a lot with demonology.

For 2s you only need to dmg 1 guy and cc the other one, just do that everytime you got cc up and pve dmg.
In 3s you can’t do that cause you need to also pay attentin with the third guy and that is what makes most 2s player struggle to play in 3s.


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What can I do, seeing people die without pressing anything vs 17 different CDs and then cry like toddlers gets me to react.

What happened to you this season btw ? Warrior + Protpal no longer good enough ?

You can do the same on 3s that is the whole point of RMP, because all three of the players has an instant cc.

If you are a demo there is no reason to play with a frost mage because it will just get trained to death with low damage.

WW/Fire is a comp of season 2 it is not good anymore. Of course you can successful with it but there is no real reason to play it.

2s played more because it is easy to coordinate with random one person without voice. You also need consistent team to play 3s.

I’m not saying mages are bad and need buffs but they are only good on 3s because of the synergy. Mage already nerfed too many times but rmp is still good nerfing mages only made them bad on 2s and rgbs.

A caster class this tanky is not a good design but if they gonna nerf tankiness they need to provide another thing. But I don’t think nothing is gonna change on s4 since df is coming.

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