Such as??? Convoke? Yes, convoke taking a target from 100 to 0 is a problem, and I don’t give a damn about it being kickable. Again, no ability should output that kind of damage.
Cos for rogues there isn’t any cons.
Heal, mobility,never ending restealth, cc, pressure dmg +1 shot.
What cons they have?
The dmg overall is absolutely insane, I remember for exemple in bfa everyone was complaining about how feint was broken (with the talent wall 30% on 15sec CD) and now nobody talk about it cause even if you pre feint or press it on CD you die through it all the time.
Same with ps or sham wall, one of the best reduction dmg xD in the game and you die though most of the time.
Thats kind of true.
No matter how easy it is to counterplay, the fact stands that it can be done every minute and it’s mandatory for you to keep an ability to stop it in the backpocket. Simply having Convoke not on CD means you can’t, for example, yeet out your CS to stop a clone or heal. To me it’s kinda nuts having to play around a single ability to that extent.
If the problem was the mage you would see too much mages on the 2s ladder, but instead of that it is full of rogues. There is no point in queuing with a mage if you are a rogue unless you can’t find a holy priest.
For example, if you queue holy priest/mage you will lose to almost every team of equal skill level. Mage is an immortal cc bot with on-demand burst. So without making some design changes to the class nerfing survivability is not optimal.
Combustion, Ret Wings, Fury Warrior have done it too, along with WW and Boomies with Star Burst, MM hunters can do it with True shot and Double tap etc.
There’s quite a few classes that can easily 1 shot someone without a wall or some sort of damage mitigation to trade.
You talking about Rogue as a whole or Assa? because Outlaw doesn’t 1 shot, it just has high sustained dps with alot of CD reduction on it’s defensives, so it just out lasts everything else.
Sub has high burst and non existent sustained damage, it literally does nothing at all when it doesn’t have DR’s to stun and burst, it also can’t 1 shot you without all it’s CD’s.
Assa has a 1 trick with Sepsis Vendetta, outside of that they will struggle to kill. Sepsis also has counter play, as mentioned damage mitigation CD’s with Aegis, Kyrian Phial, certain classes can also dispel the DoT. You will only get 1 shot by an Assa Rogue if you waste your trinket. if you trinket without them using Sespis Vendetta, you die from 100 - 0 on the next go.
Sorry, but while the Sepsis thing is annoying, it is an L2P issue if you are dying to it so often. Maybe realise that you die if you use your trinket for the wrong thing.
All of them are broken feels like, btw sub can kill in 1-2 seconds, seen it few times.
Assa was about pressure? Sepsis has counter play as other 1shot skills, it’s shouldn’t be in-game.
Outlaw abnormal bs.
About rest no power to talk, 2vs2 is rogue bracket.
RM - any rogue spec restealthing never ending and all specs come back with full hp. Fuuuun
Will all of it’s CD’s and nothing to trade sure, but so can alot of other classes do that. Rogue isn’t special in that regard.
Hum what, who speak about 2s?
Everyone knows 2s is a melee bracket and it require close to 0 skill that’s why people with 2k1 2k4 2s cr/exp have no clue on what to do in 3s and get usually stuck at low cr.
The mage allow the rogue to be untouchable in every match up, 4school with root and spammable cc and while the mage should be the target in between rmx goes you can’t cause blizzard gave them healing / absorb immune to stun effect on low CD.
That is the biggest issue with rmx. Without mentioning hpriest Rez and mage seed (that are easily being peeled so they can Rez almost all the time).
The biggest issues I have with Rogue/RMX is how quick you gotta react before its too late, which ofc, as you mentioned, isn’t exclusive to that comp.
Whats another is how durable these classes have become, how easy it is to run for restealths etc. Imo the comp has become too forgiving to play.
For instance, on the side of the rogue you have so many tools. I would love to see duel purged and instead apy a change to smokebomb as to where the rogues allies also would also lose los unless they were inside with him.
Either that or change duel to where allies also can’t offer support to the rogue apart from aoe.
What would also be a cool interaction with bomb is if you could flare into it as a hunter “revealing” everything again.
What else is there… first setup is always borderline free unless you catch the rogue with his pants down and get him out of stealth, which is unlikely to happen and he can easily retreat and reset. Spectral sight is kind of a joke , the rogue will either just line it and you have to pass the idiot check if you metaleap onto him and to your own death or not, or he just step saps.
You can also stand in your consecrate/a flare and still get sapped without him even getting unstealthed. I’m not saying “haha i stand in stuff can’t sap” should be the go to though. I just don’t want a powerful opener to be completely free.
Dumbledore is basically saying: ‘I have slow reactions and I want abilities to be tuned around my inability to respond quickly enough’.
He’ll never catch the snitch with that attitude!
I don’t understand why you think RMP getting the opener is the issue? after the opener, the other time gets to do their go right back and force stuff out of the RMP while they try to avoid damage and reset.
Arena is just a back and fourth between 2 teams, you go, I go, you go, I go etc until someone runs out of CD’s, So who goes first is irrelevant.
No. Those do not oneshoot you. They are strong CDs, but they do not oneshoot you, and ret Wings and combust are damage increase CDs, not damaging ones.
One shoot it’s when one ability alone with a single use can take your whole HP like Sepsis/Convoke/Arcane Barrage
If you weren’t reading impaired, you’d understand what I’m saying here.
If you like one-shot gimmicks, you do you.
I do not like those, and I think it’s bad game design and poor balance. People should win with their skill, not broken one-shooting abilities
Well then Sepsis alone does not oneshot you either.
It’s matters who first use Def CDs :d
Perhaps I was unclear, I have no issue with RMP earning their opener, I have no issue with RMP in principle. I don’t like how skewed the odds are when you are actually trying to deny the opener by breaking their stealth,even with tools like spectral sight that seem to be made to do exactly that.
Somebody’s sensitive.
Nailed it, it’s a gimmick, therefore if you lose to it, you messed up in one way or another.
…At low ratings. There is a reason why these things are not complained about at higher ratings. I mean…
I’ve not lost to a single one of these gimmicks because guess what, they’re predictable setups which are very easy to respond to and those specialisations have virtually nothing threatening outside of that.
They should, but this is not even the case without the 1 shot gimmicks. See: Outlaw and Sub RMP, DH DK vs Casters, etc etc etc.