Everyone needs it - SOLOQUE

Solo q is the only option to save this shJeeetty, outdated pvp system.

Yeah u can get a fury warrior who ain’t pro pvp gamer but so what?
Enemy team also can get a bad team comp. U got the same chances for a great comp as weak! also at last pvp woud have great variety and woud stop being a pally/warrior/mage/priest fest.

I didn’t know frost death knights did absolutely no damage when they weren’t paired with a windwalker. Same with hunters, I didn’t know they needed a feral or ret to be able to deal damage.

They’re fine. They do plenty of damage in a pug environment. And if their class is THAT weak that it literally can’t climb, then those people would get ‘stuck’ at their appropriate rating. If you are better at a meta class, you’ll climb past these and indeed, you will stop meeting them. What’s wrong with that, this already happens in actual arena and in any other game? You barely ever see non-meta picks in higher ranks in other games too, but plenty in lower ranks. And those you do meet, are incredibly good at their non-meta choice. Just like high ranked non-meta classes would be in WoW.

People need to stop acting like meta is a must, when neither team has any coordination/communication and the players are all equal MMR.

that might be because you dont know how the game works. Frost dk does heavy aoe dmg but mostly needs other classes to help set it up.
Its quite similiar with sub rogues. They shine in RMP but are mediocre outside of it. And when you cant chose your comb like in soloq these specs are not viable and you have a meta with even fewer specs available.

the higher you get the more important is meta.

People dont want soloque to get 3k but just toplay game, do cap…

Idk why all of these elitist are againts it. 2v2 soloque will be nice to have. There are many things they can tune so elitis dont start crying : no achievements, cap ilvl rewards to for example 210 so you still have motivation to push in regular brackets.

Solo queue was never the answer to anything.

Its the answer for people with 800 games played,stuck at 1100 rating,because no one wants to play with them…but that’s not other people’s fault.

Its their own fault because they don’t want to learn how to play.

Everyone complains how they are stuck at low rating,while in rbg’s no one ever listen to target caller.No one doesn’t even talk on discord or ingame chat.

How the hell do you expect to win any game,when you don’t follow the lead?

As for arenas,you gotta practice.You cant enter arenas with mentality ''ok,im gonna play 40 games today,lets hope i win at least half of them.

Just look at any pro player and their arena history.Most of them have 100 k arena games played by now.Some of them have already 8 k games played this season alone.

You can’t expect to get to 2100 rating with 100 games played only.

The LFG tool needs changes for sure.

  • Listing a group and applying to other at the same time.
  • Being able to filter for classes and a CR range
  • Being able to do other content while in the Q

The video did not promote soloQ, but just a much better LFG tool.

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They’re trying anything they can, if you ask the people that have been advocating for this the most (Stoopzz, Savix, etc) if they want 1. SoloQ or 2. an ‘‘improved’’ LFG i’m 110% guaranteeing you they want SoloQ

Them proposing an improved LFG is them trying to find a stepping stone if Blizzard is reluctant to just throwing soloq into the game right away.

It doesn’t matter if you can do ‘‘other stuff’’ like random battlegrounds while searching for a group, the entire discussion is about people wanting to just boot WoW up and play RANKED ARENA.

The ONLY way you get that experience of just opening the game and playing arena in a matter of minutes is with SoloQ, if an improved LFG is a stepping stone to that point, so be it, but the end goal is to have a solo queue mode.

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Everything does plenty of damage or healing and is completely playable in a solo queue setting. Yes, it’ll be easier to climb on a stronger meta class. So what. That’s the case in team queue as well. Class imbalance is a permanently ongoing thing that they refuse to sort out and if anything, it’ll be easier for some to climb in solo queue because at least there they won’t have to deal with communicating meta comps all day long.

Acting like a DK or sub rogue can’t do anything on their own is just blatantly false. They can. Their abilities aren’t suddenly locked just because their setup changed. Perhaps they won’t be as powerful as they are in their meta comps at doing everything perfect, but if you’re expecting perfection from your average solo queue match you’re in for a surprise.

Watch out who you’re telling that he doesn’t know how the game works. I’ve been glad for longer than you have played this game and have done so on plenty of non-meta classes over the years in their respective seasons.

The direct opposite is true.

Ppl who fight so hard against soloq are ppl who are boosted, planning to buy a boost or boosters. Soloq would make boosting useless. Ppl would have to carry their own load.

And Stormcrow (shaktax)…why are you hiding your profile and posting on level 20 alts? Are you trying to pretend a lot of people are against it while its just you posting on different alts? Talking about ppl being hardstuck at 1100…while your max arena rating is 1180.

Edit: you improved to 1300…grats ;).

Saying soloQ would be toxic is such a bad reason to not get soloQ, LFG is literally soloQ against premades, except it takes forever to find someone to play, just for them to leave after one game and whisper toxic things to you afterwards.

I’d like to be able to play the game, instead of playing the LFG, running around in circles or not playing at all since LFG is so frustrating.

aren’t you like one of them with ur 1,3k rating lifetime?

soloQ is needed!!!

Solo que does not belong into wow , it never has and never will!
People need to find a stable partner or a pvp guild!
This is not Call of Duty or some shoot em up game , people sitting in LFG need to take some responsibilty and not be so lazy , the tools to progress are already provided by blizzard via guilds , communitys and the oh so dreaded LFG tool.
Stop with this solo que bullcrap , it wont make the game any better in any way and for the casual player it will just be frustrating to play with random people , best example is skirmishes , thats your solo que right there , it might not be rated but thats the best you solo que yellers will get!

it’s better to play with random ppl than not playing at all

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But thats your own doing right?
You guys are just lazy , you are even in a guild , why not just ask somebody there if they would like to do arena with you?
Damn! take some responsibilty and stop sitting on your hands in the LFG tool , it’s still a online game so communicate with other people and build connections with them! If you do not like that go play a singleplayer game or some game like battlefield

Ohh and just one last thing , if they add WOD gearing with season 2 , all these so called problems with the LFG should disappear , the gearing curve wont be this steep anymore and you guys can just stop it then with the yelling for solo que
And for the love of god , do not get brainwashed by the YouTube mongrel crowd , most of them just make videos for the sake of not vanishing into oblivion and being forgotten about! Watch some educational videos there , you might even learn a thing or two!

we need SoloQ…

We need SoloQ…

That’s all.

I was in like 4 or 5 communtites. No 1 take me - answers not enough experince, gear, time to play, currect rating, we already have DK and so on. Some communtites even decline my invites - thinking like “Who is dis? Another trash DK with low exp? Decline!”. Kekw.
Half-static from communties sit in LFG for hrs(the same) and LF players who is better than they are and don’t take from communtites, mostly looking for hight exp arean rated players with TOP gear. I played in some Ru half-static in BFA thats only need tank for some games, then not even hide thats mostly they are looking in LFG this type of players, meanwhile i was there TOP DPS all the time and they even don’t kick or CC someone and this is players with 2.4 exp RBG.
There is no illusion that that game needed yolo q 10 years ago.

I understand very well you… but, as you can see, there are some dull ones that doesn’t undestand that there are different situations than those they experience.

There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn’t want to see. There is no worse deaf man than the one who doesn’t want to hear. And there is no worse madman than the one who doesn’t want to understand.

Plus i must to add thats very hard to find grp thats push rating above 1800, most of the pugs max take elite set and 220 gear. There is moslty boosted clueless guys who slowly suffer from 2100 or static thats want a very high experinced 1-2 pugs. Time to find a grp can be X2-X3 times more. This is make no sense even trying. Mb it was not so hard at the start of the season with bugged MMR, but not now.