Everyone needs it - SOLOQUE

Why u think i will? As i said i played a lot in many games. I know how its working. In swtor i take T1 in gimped specs and have 0 problems. Play as i want and have fun. And there was plyers who stack on 1000 rating with META class and blaming RNG. Everyone can play team ranked instead, if they think that yolo is not favor them.

splitting the ladders to have a new bracket which would essentially play exactly like skirmishes sounds like an additional truckload of problems on top of the issues rated pvp may already have

No, the main problems hight selfish EGO, elitist and unfrinedly PvP community. New players need a break a wall to start playing the game. This system thats exist prevent a new blood invites to practice competeive PvP.

Solo queue is fine, but then I want to queue up against solo queuers with my team. The price of solo queueing.

SoloQ is needed!!!

soloq dream for all my hardstuck in lfg homies !!!

the game. in csgo, overwatch, or LoL your team combosition isnt as important as in WoW. if you are playing non meta combs you have a huuuuge disadvantage.

Also in LoL and Overwatch for example you can pick your comb together as a team. You have a soloq and then everyone picks their character based on what the team is playing. You cant do that in WoW since you are locked in with your character.

Some specs are really strong but can only really work with very good setups and in very few combs.These specs would have it way way harder than anyone else. Example: frostdk is pretty good but only with ww or war together outside of these 2 combs its really bad. There are more examples to that like hunter in jungle or cupid.

The amount of meta specs would reduce especially on higher ratings.

As someone who played Overwatch I can tell you that it doesn’t work there too (assuming that people want some form of rolequeue and play with a healer instead of random double dps comps). People wanted rolequeue because people get toxic ingame since everybody wants to play dps. As soon as rolequeue got implemented people wanted the old queue back because dps queues were ~15 minutes long (while tank and healer are almost instant).

It’s the same in WoW. Simply too many people want to play dps. I’m playing a healer, I’m new to the game and don’t have any achievements, I’m playing on alliance side (less players) and I don’t have any issues to find people at 1,8k cr. Usually takes 2 minutes to already find several people, often people queue up who are better than me. Soloq isn’t the solution because it’s a player issue. If people want lower queue times they should either play a healer or lower their expectations (just because someone got 2,4k 10 years ago doesn’t mean that he deserves a 2,4k mate in this season).

Ok im there right now (GW2 forums). Literally 0 threads complaining about the solo queue system. Why are you making things up.

99% of the threads are balance-related. Balance that is quite nice compared to wow where 2-3 classes are the absolute top dogs at any given moment.

Playing random easy acces pvp vs and with quality players is bad? I played only 60 games this season in GW2. 0 Toxic players met so far. After placement games, i placed plat 2. All ppl i played with/against belong at that rating. I log in and I’m in a game within 2-3 mins. And what game is done i enter another within 2-3 mins.

Imagine if i could play random pvp versus and with quality players in wow within 2 mins after logging in. No scheduling required, no need to look for extra ppl to fill empty slots. Just instant easy acces pvp vs people of your own skilllevel.

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Yeah so play 3v3 premade whats your problem? Dont play it.

What about people not playing fotm specs? They are playing with bad classses 100% of time.

Because this doesnt exist in lfg tool. Hahahaha

Yeah bad players are majority of wow players i dont know real stats but how many players will break 1800?? How many 2400? You arent playing with these players on 2400 rating so why are you even bother what these bad players paying? How your gameplay on 2400 rating will change when casuals will be playing 2v2 solo que?

This is the one thing i don’t get.

The people that always say ‘‘SoloQ won’t work’’ are always people at like 2200+cr

WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE TO THEM, they are already a closed off old boys club that only play with eachother all day. They NEVER interact with the lowly commoners in lower CR beyond boosting, what does it matter to gladiator players if people at challenger level get to play SoloQ with eachother.

It’s literally just more gatekeeping by the people that are already networked.


it’s simple, that means no more gold or real money, if every “noob” can grind soloque to his rating, sooner or later and “noobs” won’t be in 1400 que for regular arena

if you don’t know what is it about - it’s about money

only 3v3 SoloQ will work either viables or 1 heal 1range 1meele like prealms showed

and then u have the que problem with healers its gonna evolve into a Overwatch que time

Cant have solo que boys. That which already happens daily, will happen.

its working on private realms perfectly fine? and many people play RMP or other setup comps on 3k without voice btw

on lowcr everything is fiesta but even in league people fiesta in platgold why should they not fiesta in 1,8k?

on prealm its always only viables or 1meele 1range 1heal obviously u can have badluck with like b tier comps against STier but thats how it is. its only SoloQ u dont need rewards or smth its just for fun i never cared on soloq rating

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SoloQ reminder… We want it!

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LoL solo queue is a massive success story. The game would’ve never been close to as popular as it is now without it, since if people had to find a 5-player premade to ever play the game, it’d have died long ago. And unlike skirmishes/BGs, even ‘unranked’ has hidden MMR in LoL, leading to relatively balanced solo queue matches.

Thank you for a solid example that solo queue is indeed a good addition to games.

Here you go, forum moderators, happy now?

Soloqueue would only hurt the pockets of boosters.