Everyone needs it - SOLOQUE

Yes yes i know thats why its being asked for but i just cant see it fit into wow as the game is right now
There are just so many other issues that need adressing before i would be open to the idea of it.
It will be fun for the specs that perform really good and are well rounded but what about the rest?
It would just create the same toxic behavior as now , people getting mad cause you do not play the meta spec of your current class
If this was still MOP i would have been onboard with it , the kits of everyone was still overloaded but they are not anymore
Its a cool idea but nothing else really
I could see it work if you had somewhat equal gear , like 5 ilvl difference or some way to scale the solo que gear to the opposing team , that would make it fun
They could add a set for it maybe?

well i can feel that its annoying to queue for rbg and the long wait times, but soloq would just be like random bg with rating and maybe an ilvl wall

Yes how nice and social the current system is.

  • random BGs with all the leavers, afkers and the non stop toxic chat. Even if you carry games ppl will trashtalk.
  • LFG with all the boosted ppl, the ppl who lie about their rating, the leavers after 1 loss. Spending half of your game session looking for new ppl to fill up those last 1-2 slots isn’t uncommon.

Let’s compare that to GW2s solo queue. No boosting. Fast queue even at high rating. Ppl chatting about tactics pre-game. Friendly chat after games leading to invites for the daily tournaments.

Don’t get me wrong there is toxicity in GW2 as well, but it’s an exception. In wow pvp is an exception if the chat isn’t toxic.

The only ppl who are against solo queue are boosters, boosted or planning to buy a boost.

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Yes because i do not like the idea of solo que in wow , im one of those three things , thats why im running around in 230 gear right? ohh i dont!
Get your head out of your butt please!
It would only work with a solo que if everyone was on equal footing as in no one would have a gear advantage in any way!
Then you could add it but it should not have anything to do with the actual arena where you need to use the LFG and guilds/communitys

just imagine if games like lol forced you to queue with a system like current wow

I wouldn’t like to play arena that feels like random BGs. There are many bad people in the LFG, just play with them. If you can’t climb, you’re probably not that good yourself and should work on your gameplay.

Imagine trying to climb rating in the soloQ and getting teamed up with the arcane mage, outlaw rogue, fury warrior. Nah.

Thats not the point. People dont want to spend their precious time in lfg tool being unable to do anything but waiting and inspecting players.

Imagine that everyone have same chance of getting these teammates.

Nobody wants to replace current system with soloque just add it on top of it. You can avovid it np. Nobody expect achievements here and even top gear. So why are you so mad?

Yes even if it doesnt affect you in any way you still againts it because you dont like it

You said it.

Thats the entire reason why ppl buy boosts. Since they arent good enough OR since they dont have enough gear or a combination of the two.

A bit like how rated pvp in general wouldnt work unless everyone had equal footing?

Its clear you have very little to no recent pvp experience. The LFG is toxic trash for everyone no matter how good or bad you are.

You know why? Since the meta isnt about classes…its about boosting. Its creates a negative spiral that influences everyone. Its not just a small percentage…its the vast majority. You can spend hours in LFG meeting nothing but 1500 players pretending to be 1800, 2100 or 2400.

Than you get in to an arena with that player…and u meet 2400-3200 opponents during 50% of your games at 2000 MMR since they are boosting.

Soloq would remove all of that.

All the people i have met in the LFG have never been toxic in any way and i have never been toxic to them! I have played 61 games with dh’s , dks , warriors and monks , i am sitting at 1.4k rating right now and i did it as a resto druid at around ilvl 200 with people equaly geared, the only reason i do not push any further is i do not have the time for it right now! The rating is very low! I play mostly bgs right now , so i think i would now how this game works and the different classes function!
I have seen these so called boosters and high hp dudes even defeated a few of them , but most games were around the same ilvl or abit higher!
I would never buy a damn boost…why would i, it takes the challenge out of it!
You sound really toxic and angry if i may say so!
Do you know why you see so many high geared people cause of the RBG’s , people farmed their gear there and now they just play arena and cant even get any further , cause the skill doesnt match their gear , i have seen it plenty of times if you do not fall over against them in first few secs , they do not even know how to react!
I wish you guys all the best of luck with getting your solo que made into reality , im done discussing this topic , have a great day :slight_smile:

I would be onboard if you could choose what you want to team up with. And the rewards should be worse.

Also the soloQ would be as toxic or more, you would be flamed for wasting other peoples time if you queue as a dogpoop spec.

Why do you think I’m mad? Are everyone disagreeing with you mad?

And making people play the game together isn’t social? How is it any different from having folks queue through Tinder… I mean LFG?

You play with randoms against a team of randoms. If you get an outlaw rogue on your team and it causes you to lose (or rather, you blame that person, whatever) then keep queueing. One fact has always been the case for solo queue in ANY game: YOU are the consistent factor. If YOU deserve higher rating, YOU will climb, because there’s only 2 other players in your team that can cause you to lose and there’s 3 opponents that can cause them to lose. And if you’re at the same rating as that outlaw rogue, then ask yourself why you are at that rating playing something supposedly stronger. Either you are doing something wrong, or he is doing something right, which means he’s probably a better player playing something weak, thus evening the scales. When I play my alts on ladder right now, I’m often more scared of non-meta specs since those players are better at the game than some random that’s playing a mage at 2000 MMR instead of 3000 where the class belongs.

Yes? What? That’s literally how 99% of people met in-game? They played together, did a dungeon or whatever, and considered that person to be good company. It’s how I met the majority of people I still play with today. Why would people met through solo queue be any different?

Solo queue should be 3v3. Simple as. Two dps, one healer. Not that hard to understand.

Ranked =/= random BGs. An MMR based matchmaking system applies way more pressure to perform. Unless you’re stuck at low rating, of course, but low rating in constructed arena right now is literally no different.

If you don’t want classes you consider weak on your team, perhaps play until you’ve passed the rating that you think they can play at? If they’re still in your match, the likeliness of them being against you is higher (2x chance they’re with you, 3x chance they’re against you) thus you will win the majority of your matches. Congratulations, free rating, or so you seem to imply. A 60% winrate is great! Though guess what: there’s a reason they’re there with you, and they’ll likely show you why.

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Try to push a bit higher and see how toxic the system is.

At 1400 there are next to no boosters. Ppl who got their gear via PvE or RBGs sure, but those aren’t boosters.

Boosters are 2700-3200 rated arena players playing at 1700-2100 in the arena. So rank 1 gladiator playing at challenger- duelist.

At 1700-2100 50+% of the teams you face are boosting teams. With at least 1 player that is 2700+ in another bracket at that same moment. I know since i check the teams after I played against them. Quite a few are even using their rank 1 titles.

This has a negative effect on everyone. Since players who would be good enough for 1800…all of a sudden arent since they have to beat rank 1 gladiators to get there.

You would probably be 1600 if it wherent for those boosters at 1700+ rating blocking all mid tier players from progressing.

Soloque needs also safe levels to be playable. You could end up in an unlucky streak of bad setups and misplays that will make you drop 100 rating in 20 minutes and I can assure you that you’ll never touch Soloque again.

Soloque without safe levels isn’t playable.

(safe levels would be : 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 - once reached, you cannot drop below)

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Please don’t talk, you are clueless. We really need a filter by rating on this forum so we don’t have to listen to 14 hundo andies.

You don’t even play this game. No experience in pve and no experience in pvp. You can keep wasting 13 eur a month but don’t try to discuss aspects of this game that are nowhere near your reach.

wrong. This has been discussed many times.

You cant just say “it will seperate the ladder”

You’re also ignoring the fact that getting a team is a HUGE entry barrier and soloque alone will make so much more people start with PvP. I doubt 3s queues will take a hit at all once soloque is “normalized”

??? That is quite literally what every solo que game has to go through if you ever played one. I was playing one of the worst Heros in Overwatch to the highest rank and still had fun regardless of me being at a disadvantage.
Thats not an argument at all lol

? Quite literally every PvP enviroment in ANY game is toxic, solo que wont be an exception but also wont be more toxic than LFG or any other Soloque game so once again, thats not a reason why it wouldnt work.

Ever been in LoL or Overwatch forums ? Yes, exactly, its always the same with soloque and you literally just mention problems that EVERY soloque game has. And they still work just fine, imagine.

after these statements even trying to compare it to OW is a big fail in my book

To me it sounds more like you simply don’t want soloque ?

Because whatever reason you’re bringing up, its not explaining why Soloque in WoW is bad but rather why Soloque in general is bad even though you can easily see how succesful Soloque is in other games or EVEN on WoW private server.

The only point you made that somewhat made sense was the ladder splitting up but this is highly discussable aswell for above mentioned reasons.

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not wrong. People who would que 2s or 3s will now just que soloq = less ques in 2s and 3s.

but its a fact.

you can chose your spec and comb as a team before every match in overwatch. You cant do that in WoW. In WoW you get random combs and you cant change anything once you are in a soloq group. Big difference.

it will be 10x more toxic than lfg because you have 2 random teammates who are directly responsible for your losses.

that was just reffering to the people who say “we need soloq look at all the people complaning in the forums”.

i played soloq on a pretty high level at arenatournament and warmane back in the days. It was kinda fun especially when it was Melee/caster/Healer only but some classes were just terrible. Its way more unbalanced than normal rated arena.
Some specs are heavily comb dependent but are trash outside of these 2 or 3 combs. Some specs work really well with communication and setups while some dont require that. Some healers are way better in soloq than others. The list goes on. I think it takes too much ressources for blizzard and i think if they just release a soloq without really thinking about it and tuning it then it will backfire pretty hard.

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Yea soloque… im playin with war, why would i play with random comps warrior is working just with healers why would i forcing me to play skirmishlike games?
Double warrior war rogue war hunter etc… those games is intaloss…
Soloque will be the era of hybrid clssses. All others are useless.

you just ignored my argument that the biggest entry Barrier to PvP gets removed and therefor more people even do PvP to begin with but hey whatever am i right.

Even Blizzard said they werent sure if it would even decrease the playerbase but you manage to be even more dense, well done my man

And yet people played more often 4 or 5x dps than they played a real comp and still manged to win, see where this leads ? You can win regardless of what your comp is. It applies to Overwatch the same way it applies to Arena. Sure there are some T1 comps that are more favored but you will push rating regardless long term if you perform well

thats the point of soloque just by the way.

you repeat yourself and everyone i think is well aware of the fact that it is gonna be unbalanced and just a side product. But you can … you know … simply decide to not que up for it. Yes, it is that simple.

So don’t play it ? I’m so confused as to why people who are against it because it is gonna be unbalanced speak openly against it instead of just … ignoring it and not participating in it ?

Anyway, I’m a warrior player myself and i don’t see an issue or even eligtable to complaining as long as im not the highest warrior in soloque which is gonna be … high regardless of the imbalance.

The current rated PVP is broken. It is ruled by the 1% that has the skills already and want to fight lower skilled players and have easy wins all day. Gladiators tank their rating all the time so they can do paid boosts and seem like gods on twitch. I am trying to gear a fresh character and the experience is absolutely off putting. I farmed 2 -3 weeks to level and get some baseline gear (191 atm). I get oneshot by everyone, even in skirmishes all I meet is 40k hp players that just kill me in one stun … Don’t get me wrong I am a scrub on that character, but in no way are there options for me to get into the game and learn. My only choice is join random bgs and farm 197 gear which for rated pvp is just subpar, all the while being destroyed by anyone that has gear. In LFG noone wants a scrub that is behind (understandably), so I am spending hours to find another scrub to get farmed by gladiators … This is toxic, people abusing the mmr for boosting and “fun” is toxic. Not allowing people to play the game is toxic. I would rather be called a moron 100 times in a solo queue system than to sit in lfg for hours without being allowed to play the game. We need a way for average players to have fun at the game, we need a solo queue system which is free of artificial barriers and where skill matters more than boosting and gear. Give players a chance to learn the game at their own pace. Currently the game seems made for people that are getting paid to play it, not for people that want to have fun … Give the solo queue players a different color of the pvp set etc… if you worry the gladiators will make less money:/