yeah pretty much. This goes to both ends. Low skill and high skill. Both have struggle with LFG and i feel like LFG is only really for some daily cap / casual arena, nothing else. id much rather see casuals enjoy rated soloque and learn a thing or two without having to spend hours finding mates first.
we need soloq
Spoken like someone thats never played any of these games.
I need it badly.
q 24/7 until you get your *** carried to 1.8/2.1/2.4, yay!
hell no 3chars
Lfg outdated, pve overrated, long have we waited
Solo que activated
in LoL you can win your Lane by yourself and carry hard even if your team is feeding.
In Overwatch and CS:GO you can change your characters after every death. Thats a massive difference between WoW where you are locked with the comb.
You cant change your team mate mid game.
More often you lose in dota/lol/csgo because of the player - not the class or weapon.
AWP is insane - if you are good with it. Otherwise its 4v5
Same goes in WoW. Hunters may be bad, but if its Jellybeans behind the character - you on your fire mage are about to get carried.
And you wouldnt be locked in the combo for longer than you are locked in any of the games you mentioned.
No real reason not to have solo queue with a separate ladder.
Just like 2s/RBG arent âseriousâ ladders. Neither would SoloQueue be - it would just let people play when they want, still get a chance to progress one kind of rating, while getting CQ points.
On demand streaming is a thing. And on demand gaming is the great success of all games.
Let people on demand play wow in a meaningfull way.
No more sitting in LFG watching people with fake/boosted/out-dated/broken season - rating achives demand a certain experience.
Idk man people are againts it because they dont like it they dont have any real argument like 0. Nobody want to replace current systemâŚstop being selfish elitist which cant see outside of their bubble. Solo que 2v2 or rbgs will not affect you in any means more like will raise people playing classic lfg.
At this point bring wod gearing or solo que. With wod gearing lfg will be lot more managable not ideal but better by miles.
Or both. Even better.
Basically me yesterday. Wanted to play with my feral, he has 197ilvl, got into a mage in lfg with low xp, but didnt care cause i wanted to play and cap. I started looking for a grp from 18:10 and on 20:40 i could start playing. A heal pala joined the group. First game i tell the holy pally to hoj the healer, game starts mage and i stealth in, our healee runs in mid hoj the ww monk we wanted to kill, insta dispel, they open him with stun convoke he bubbles and we need to start off with a fu**ed stun dr on monk, no hoj and bubble already forced
After that and a loose, healer flamed us and left the group
you can change weapons ingame in CSGO, you can change your character in overwatch everytime you die.
You can chose what comb you are going to play in LoL and OW BEFORE the match starts.
You are either trolling or dumb if you dont see the differences in these games compared to WoW arena.
Just wanted to show my support for this.
Thereâs no difference if you add the fact that the majority of players in LoL and Overwatch are onetricks who play one character no matter the circumstance and make it work. Speaking as a Global Elite player in CS:GO, I can say weapons in solo queue matter so much less than just being capable of hitting your shots.
You know, just like high ranked solo queue players in WoW would make their class work in a variety of comps.
Trying to even imply people pick exactly what the team needs or the like in solo queue in other games just means you only ever watch professional games and never actually played them.
yes CSGO isnt really a good example but in both ways. Its also not a good example of why soloq would work in WoW since in CSGO there are not real classes and combs.
At higher levels in LoL or OW people definitely try to play combinations that work especially in Overwatch but in these games combs are not even half as important as in WoW. If you que as a rogue in soloq right now for example you would lose so many games if you dont get a mage while if you que as a warrior your partner would really matter.
Soloq would be fun but it would reduce the available specs at high ratings. There are many specs that are just niche in 1 or 2 combs.
I dont think its so bad as you trying make it. You will be not playing solo que to reach glad. Just to play the game do cap whatever. Np to search for a mage in lfg tool and play premade if you not happy with soloque gameplay.
The opponent team isnât going to have a meta comp either and when they do, they wonât have the practice together to make it do what people do in constructed.
Rogues, for example, are perfectly viable without a mage. Why would a rogue not work with something else? Because you generally see them played with mages in constructed? Thatâs not a good argument at all. Itâs like all the frost DK mains claiming that they are carried by windwalkers, and yet now you see frost DKs paired with moonkins or enh. shamans plenty (another class that supposedly only worked with a warrior). Who knows what else they could work with. People are meta sheep and do not experiment. Solo queue is not a meta queue; everything works so long as the spec in a vacuum isnât weak. Experimentation is enforced, which is a good thing since it lets you shine more as an individual by adapting to the situation.
That said, of course you will not see some specs at higher ratings. I think fury warriors and outlaw rogues will be having a very hard time climbing just to name two. But guess what, they are not represented in constructed either. If anything, theyâll have a much better chance in solo queue, since itâs more about individual skill rather than setup there.
people are going to take it seriously and this forum will be filled with complains.
Like now?
I cant see the difference. People will be always complaining no matter what.