So we’re gonna pretend that the original wotlk was fresh right? Gotcha.
Anyway, no thanks. The fresh economy will simply not last, it will be fresh for 1-2 months tops … especially that bots will get 4-6 weekd of 1.5x xp.
Besides, if an existing server economy gets so screwed up that mats and such cost enormous amounts (which I very much doubt, the same way it didn’t happen for tbc) … guess what, you can jump in and make a lot of gold. As in, if a herb ends up selling for 100g a piece, you can sell that and make 100g a pop.
blizz gonna rethink if the classic realms are almost empty of players but full of bots?
If that happens, no runs gdkp bc every player got the best gear, botting stops bc noone is buying gold, and blizz stands with empty servers an no income.
What you all are saying on this forum is that blizz is running the “greed before need”.
In short, Blizz don’t gives a rats about fresh or how many players there is… only if they swipe