Greetings Arkiri,
Our guild, The Twilight Tier (Horde, Saurfang), is currently looking for like-minded members to join our small but growing community. Our main focus is just having a good time, whether that be achievement grinding, transmog runs, mythic+ dungeons or just chatting amongst ourselves.
Although we’d like to look into raiding for Shadowlands, it’s not our priority. We’ve recently tried our hand at mythic+ dungeons and are having a great time. We’re looking to try running them a couple of evenings a week.
We have a Discord server set up so we can chat amongst ourselves in and outside of WoW. This is also a handy tool to schedule any events or just use the Voice Chat to communicate during dungeons or to just chat.
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to drop me a message on Discord (Veletala#8483) or via BattleNet (Veletala#2216) and I’ll be happy to chat with you.
Best of luck in your search for a guild you can call home!