Ex-Hardcore Raider looking for CE guild for Shadowlands

Returning ex-hardcore raiding looking for a CE guild for Shadowlands. Coming back from on and off breaks throughout Legion and BFA due to RL circumstances. Experiance raiding at a high level including top 200 world and server first.


  • Going for CE every tier.
  • No more than 2 days a week raiding.
  • Respects real life commitments come first.
  • Raids after 20:30 server prefured on weekdays. Weekends can be earlier.
  • Regular M+ runs
  • Social, respectful and mature guild enviroment. (If discussing if your female guild memebrs are f**kable or not is your thing, I am not interested).

What I can give:

  • Dedicated and hardworking raider.
  • Loyal and inclusive guild member.
  • Patient player who doens’t mind wiping aslong as people learn.
  • Rerolling so willing to fill in any empty spot in the team.
  • High attendance rate and advance notice if a raid cannot be made due to RL events.

Discord: LookingForGuild#0291 (Real Discord will be given if I decide to join you.)

Added you on disc :slight_smile:

Hey! Check us out and let me know if you’re interested :slight_smile: [A] Outland <Natural Competition>

Could you add me to discord so I could ask you some qustions? Thanks.

Added you buddy