Exalt in the Impressive Influence 100% Bonus Reputation Buff: April 20 – May 18

Would much rather keep the XP buff. Reputation is useless for me.

The second that xp buff stops is the second I stop leveling alts; which leaves me with nothing to do in BFA.


*Bonus excludes Rajani and Uldum Accord reputation.

y tho


Why not include the experience buff for those who unlock their new allied race?


Only Legion and BfA reputations, and not including Rajani and Uldum Accord either?

Well, I suppose it’s better than nothing, but nowhere near as nice as the xp buff was.

Why not just apply to all reps?

  • Bonus excludes Rajani and Uldum Accord reputation. Did you read it at all

Woot, exactly my suggestion

Eat this haters…

Appreciate the buff, but it would have been much nicer to extend it on all other reputation gains as well. It could help people catch up with Black Prince, Insane title farm, Hydraxian Waterlords etc


So I guess this means the exp buff won’t be extended. Rather dissapointing :frowning: On top of that the small print *Bonus excludes Rajani and Uldum Accord reputation. makes me wonder what the point of this buff is? Aren’t the rep requirements being removed for allied races in Shadowlands anyway?

Well, guess it’s good news for those that still want to unlock the allied races before Shadowlands launches.


I know that the point if to get allied races & stuff, but seriously why limit it to legion & BfA.

AR are available to all without rep by SL’s release why would I bother farming my Reps.

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Please keep exp buff. Pretty plz. With a Cherry. On Top…


This is great new but please also extend the exp buff. We’re soon getting faster leveling with Shadowlands anyway and there is just no point in leveling for me right now without the buff!

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Sooo… no exp buff extension AND only for Legion and BFA reps without 8.3…
Are you telling us to go farm Legion for a month? xd
Call me ungreatful, but this is waaaay worse than just extending exp buff for another month. Like, we would level in Shadowlands even faster than now, so what’s the point of not leaving it untill the end of lockdown?
Please just extend EXP buff, leave both, or extend this 100% rep. buff to ALL reputations, wouldn’t hurt anyone.

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The 100% exp boost feels like how the exp gains should have been. And it seems to align well with how exp gains in SL seems to be.

deleted post


My guess they don’t want to make the older reps/achievements easier. Knowing some people will whine about it. Ogri’la, insane achievement and such comes to mind.

Frankly, I’ve been asking for years to nerf those grinds slightly but yeah that’s not going to happen. Especially after seeing how they handle this buff. :slight_smile:

Oh excellent, I can unlock flying and allied races on my other account :joy:

Kinda lame you limited it though, no WoD flying it seems. And excluding the Rajani and Accord means if I didn’t have an alt account, I’d have nothing to gain from this :frowning:

When seeing the exp buff, we join back into the game with my wife and farm our way to exalted with the volduni to of course unlock the vulpera.

And now that the exp buff is almost gone, this…
I hope it serves its purpose for others, but for us it is unfortunate :cry:

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Oh waw Blizz except you forgot 2 very important things,extend the XP buff and give the reps for all!not exclude Accord and Rejani.This just leaves it bittersweet

Someone surely understands how underwhelming this is considering reputations outside of BFA and Legion are excluded? It doesn’t even include the Nzoth patch factions.

Shadowlands Alpha achievement changes already indicate that unlocking the allied races won’t require farming exalted anymore, very likely that some changes for flying will be made as well, otherwise people will prefer to level in zones where they have earned flying previously.

Anyways, thanks for the full month of XP bonus. I understand that paid boost services stopped selling and that it wouldn’t last.