Winds of Wisdom

GG Buff

How about giving extra repu along with that exp buff?

Would help those who are already at 120 or those who still did not unlock Mechgods.



90% of players leveling atm have already 120 main, so no it’s not argument for me. 100% exp boost is to make leveling alts faster, if someone refuses to level an alt then it’s up to him. As an player i want 100% more rep, why not? but objectively…


We already had that with the 15th anniversary buff - this here is a sole leveling buff which really speed things up. Leveled the past two characters from 40 to 110 rather casually in dungeons. It’s definitely worth it.

Ye, would like 100% extra repu, farming wq for paragon chests ez


So was exp buff in the 15th anniversary buff…

Oh wait I was trying to use logic with panda… NVM ookin in the dooker proceed with your nonlogical post.

2/10, I’ll give you that for the effort in just being hateful. But even I can do that better, so keep practicing.

As a player

You can have your revenge, english is not my native language so i don’t care.

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Nice to have the buff, it makes things very fast.

That said, I have heard Shadowlands leveling will be even faster, about 300% more so that base 1-120 now, not sure how true that is but alt leveling might get even faster later on if it holds true.

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Oh how cute.
Look people, another “person” who resorts to attacking when someone doesnt agree with them.
When is your 13th birthday?

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Exactly one year after 12th one

It gonna be 70% faster or so, not 300% :stuck_out_tongue:

But, to the OP, yeah, some 100% rep with this havent been half bad either.

Hell, even a random buff like 50% more gold from looting stuff had been nice XD.


Seemed a bit of a stretch when I read it, I imagine 1-60 will be much better and feel like less of a slog even if it was quite lengthy still.

100% Rep would have been so OP, I’d probably actually try and get em done lol

Yeah infinity which takes to get all reps done divided by half :smiley:

When we are talking up to a month for some reps, that is a big deal!

I split my play between so many character since I rejoined in 8.2 (even doing multiple essence grinds) that rep rarely gets where it is needed.

I got 7th legion done passively only. :frowning_face:

It is not about disagreeing. Disagreement is actually fun, you often learn something from it one way or another.

However trolling with false information is totally different thing, and that is what he did.

Why do people always want more! Isn’t it good enough that blizzard have given us the xp boost :cry:. They didn’t have to how about just a thank you.

What information in that post was false?

I would like to know this as well.

Well, people who want to create a new alt to level probably want to check out the new allied races, but acquiring those is still a huge grind! :frowning:

I wanted to play a Vulpera, but I don’t even have revered yet with my one and only horde character. I probably won’t ever reach exalted, because I hardly play my horde character, and don’t want to have to grind for weeks first just to be able to create the alt I want.