Excessive Mount Use is Ruining RP Immersion

Mounts are convenient, but their overuse is ruining the RP aspect of the world. People are mounted all the time, everywhere. It’s impossible to ignore the dragons darting around like headless chickens on fire. This constant hectic activity is a nuisance and makes it hard to enjoy the word in a relaxed, immersive way.

What are your thoughts?

Edit: To clarify, my main issue isn’t with people using mounts; it’s the fact that they never dismount, especially in areas where there are quest givers and NPCs crucial to the story …

Edit: I regret posting here since I have no stomach for the toxicity, and it won’t let me delete the post. At the very least, please be kind enough to leave me out of your comments.


Doesn’t feel immersion breaking at all to me.
We even made an event to explain why we’d befriend a drake from the isles to dart around on.

We do have some rules on mounts in our guild, in that you need to justify IC why you have a specific mount.
For example I raised an Ottuk by hand, hence why I ride around on one.

Just to be clear, are you talking about people in RP using mounts excessively, or about people outside of RP who are playing the game using mounts excessively?


Unfortunately I don’t think the genie of flying mounts will ever be put back in the bottle (nor would most people want it to be).

Personally, I don’t find flying mounts going by overhead to be immersion breaking. If they land and start running over/around me then yeah definitely, though by that point it’s just basic griefing that they could just as easily do with a ground mount.

It’s a bit of a… simple suggestion, but just don’t look up. That’s not where your RP partners will be anyway.

OOCers are the vast majority of the server these days.

Generally speaking it’s when the next expansion launches that previous expansion zones clear out and it’s more RP-friendly, but honestly - RPers do content too. It might not make sense for Salshe here to fly on the back of a dragon in order to get from one part of the Dragon Isles - or even from one part of Kalimdor to another - but the sheer convenience of dragonflying is going to take immersion over other people’s RP that may or may not be happening I’m afraid.

Plus, it’s kind of better than old flying mounts - when someone went past on a flying mount in the past and they stopped and hovered over you while you were RPing then you know with near-certainty that they were listening in, which absolutely was distracting. With dragonflying, by the time you’ve registered that someone’s there, they’re probably about to load out of render distance.


I dread to ask how it is that you’re familiar with the behaviour of headless poultry set ablaze.


Back in my day, if a noble knight had trouble with dragons, he simply slew them for king and country!

Sellswords and mercenaries nowadays are too afraid of adventure…


Common practice at KFC, I reckon.

Also to add something else - next expansion a whole range of mounts are going to be given the option to use the dragonriding system. If the complaint is that it’s always dragons - well, going forward it probably still will be because flying about on Raszageth or Fyrakk is inherently funny if I’m being honest, but the opportunity to use more ‘sensible’ mounts - gryphons, flying carpets, flying unicorns - that’s all gonna be open too!

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Myeah I’m gonna echo Salshe, while the Dragon Isles remain current content (And likely still farmed for things for the forseeable future) there WILL be people flying around and using the dragonriding system, just going to have to grit teeth and bear with it.

I don’t see how else we’re meant to travel though.


ground mounts and run to flight master I guess?

I gueessssss.

Yea, it does get tedious at times depending on the location.

i ride on my trusty hyena to explore the World of Azeroth.
By paw i would be dead before i ever left Zandalar.
Especially when the Caravan travels, Hyenas, Alpacas and Krollusks make for great companies to pull our wagons.
But yes if someone spawns a huge mount in the middle of a funeral yeah thats just a dick move.

I cannot fathom someone caring enough about this to make a whole forum thread about it. Your suspension of disbelief has to be so unbelievably fragile for someone being on their mount to ruin your immersion this badly


This has been the case since TBC though.


Sounds like a skill issue.

It’s MMO first, RPG second. The leveling experience for new content will remain. If it pisses you off that other people are playing at the same time as you, wait to experience the content as current during ungodly morning hours or wait a year 'til the areas are mostly clear.

This is really only applicable for the opening hours of the expansion IMO. I went through Dragonflight’s levelleling at a leisurley pace and while yes, of course other players were there and yes some of them were on their Grand Yak mounts (because people are gonna want to try out new tmogs with the new gear they just unlocked), it didn’t feel overly difficult to me to feel somewhat immersed in the quest dialogue - even if others wanted to do those quests at a breakneck pace.

Really, the best advice I can give here is - enjoy the game the way you want to, but don’t expect to be able to police people on how to play the game to benefit you, if that makes sense.

Honestly? Not even! In terms of avoiding the big rushing swarm of players, you only have to wait a few days if you ask me. Don’t forget - the game is pretty sharded on launch so even as the need for shards declines, many of them will still be active and you can still be phased into relatively low pop versions. Not to mention the fact that those who are zooming to the level cap are likely only gonna revisit old zones for world quests and the like.


On RP realms, it’s supposed to be RPG first and MMO second. The realms exist for the specific way the people play the game.

Go to bed at 10 PM, wake up at 6 AM, log into the game and enjoy more or less empty zones. Did that since Legion, works like a charm.