Excessive Mount Use is Ruining RP Immersion

I mean yeah - but we’re all also playing the game. Unfortunately we can’t do everything for the benefit of RPers. I’m not RP walking through a zone for the immersion of others when my goal is to get a quest done. Heck, half of my characters are total wet paper towels that can barely fight in combat, am I supposed to just not level them because them going off and fighting void monsters is too immersion breaking?

I understand your sentiments here but when you start thinking about it practically and what would/wouldn’t make sense for player immersion… yeah there’s a lot of RP “unfriendly” things that happen in current zones. But it’s always been that way - the best we can all do is try to minimize the disruption of other RPers - kill mobs away from them if we can, do our quests quickly, not standing around gawking at RP while we’re equipped in a horrendous mess of levelling gear.


We’re all paying for the game. I hate lagged out areas as much as the next guy but to fix that I can just wait.

Even then, your problem seems to stem from some hyper-advanced form of ocd. I recommend waiting. RP realms don’t necessarily mean you’re RPing throughout the entire questline.

I´m not sure it´s even for benefit of RPers.

I think we´re right now operating under two different understandings of what RP is. Everyone that is responding is talking about OOCer presence on server in context of disturbance of RP, using RP as a term for collaborative storytelling similar to Dungeons and Dragons or other tabletop RPGs.

However, I believe Yan is talking about RP in the sense of playing the game in character, trying to get immersed into the story and such. Basically, imagine playing Baldur´s Gate or Witcher as good/evil character. His issue isn´t that other people are running around on their mounts when he´s taking part in an RP event, his issue is that other people are running around on their mounts when he´s playing the actual game.

Hence why he keeps talking about RPG in a way you often hear Vanilla players talk. He may not even be RPer in the way we´d characterize an RPer.


These are already the case.

Kinda like Shadowlands? I don’t understand how “Use ground mounts instead” solves the problem of people being on their mounts everywhere? I personally AFK on my mount to show off my achievements. If it’s really such a problem you can just use the [For Your Eyes Only] toy to turn every other player into a Heart Sprite.

It really seems like you’re just whining that there are other people in your MMO, at which point… Lol? If you don’t want other players to even exist in the world alongside you, go play a single player game. There’s no shame in that, they’re plenty of fun too.

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I think your suggested changes (besides the ones that are already in the game) would be met with disapproval from majority of the playerbase, including RPers. In fact, the thing with mounts has already been tried in WoD-Slands and people hated it with passion.

The fact is, barely anyone in modern WoW cares about immersion in the same way you do. Those who do care mostly play Vanilla because even if the changes you´re suggesting were adopted, they would still take issue with pretty much everything modern game is offering (in fact, to them modern WoW is an antithesis of RPG).


To feel this way about certain zones around Azeroth is fine, as it is strange how in some roleplay zones, everyone has a mount, and often times disregarding if their character could truly have it or not, (for example, a character that’s played as having incredibly meager wealth / being a city-dwelling vagrant owning a horse,) but to be mad that people are doing content in a zone that’s still current content and designed with the excessive usage of flying mounts in mind is a little excessive.

Why go to the one place in Azeroth where being a dragon rider is incredibly common amongst the playable races when seeing folks having mounts in general takes you out of your immersion, no less get mad at players just going about their world quests and rep grinding for not taking you, roleplaying in a phased zone that’s marked as current content, into consideration?

It’s less about it not being immerssive and more that you walked into a place that’s called the Dragon Isles, that introduced a feature called Dragonriding, where the main city hub is only accessible through portals or flying mounts, and started getting mad at the fact that dragons are easily accessible for the people in it for some strange, truly arcane reason.

Would it not be more immersion breaking to go to the Dragon Isles and start pretending that having something of the sort would be rare and unusual? It’s like getting mad at undead for commonly having skeletal horses while walking around Tirisfal, no less getting heated about folks just doing leveling quests riding them.


It very much is.

Go play vanilla instead. The world is immersive if you care to be immersed in it. A couple tauren flying in neon multi-colored dragons won’t destroy that entirely. It’s an active quest zone. Questing is also part of the game. PvE and RP can mix, but understand that there are others playing the game.

Your pandering bores me, groundcel.

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To be fair, the only places crowded with mounts are places like the trade district rather than all over, so it’s avoidable. And you can still walk through.

op made the realest statement ive ever seen down with wacky mounts

While I don’t necessarily agree with your OP/etc, I do think it’s extremely weird how personal and aggressive some of the responses have become toward you. You haven’t really said anything “wrong”.


Excuse me! I’ll have you know I hand-reared my slime cat from since it was a mere slime KITTEN!

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Seems appropriate with today’s attitude to any kind of discussion. Civil conversations feel like a thing of the past and now you have to start being personal.

It’s very exhausting.


People flying around to do dailies isn’t ‘excessive’. It’s normal gameplay.


Now, I wouldn’t say his worries are his alone. There is a statement to be made about how people in roleplay excessively use mounts and portals in roleplay while treating the OOC distance between places as the IC distance between them, thus ruining the immersion of quite a lot of plots.

An example that comes to mind would be doing things such as travelling from Elwynn to Stromgarde on horseback within a single day, which I’ve seen folks do and claim to do so without roleplaying it as if they had been travelling for at least a few days, if not simply timeskipped it or used the justification of a portal, boring as it might be compared to travel roleplay for some.

The only disagreement I have with the statement myself is simply to whom and where it’s directed. I do agree that these things deny quite a lot of interesting roleplay and immersion from plenty of guilds, players, and storylines altogether. What I don’t agree with is for this sentiment to be directed towards people doing content in a zone designed around dragonriding, in a zone that’s phased where the only roleplay you could get would be with people you need to ‘veto’ into your circle yourself.

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That is part of sharing the world with others. We all have our own adventures, and we are going from A to B, and cannot avoid crossing paths with other people who has a different view on immersion. You sadly cannot make demands in this day and age about immersion in the open world, it was already a thing torn apart in Vanilla when you saw the colors of the rainbow walk up to you, talking in a non-immersive manner as you are communicating with an NPC.

As for the Roleplay aspect. I would truly hope no one is making dashing flights and constant mounting and dismounts during RP events and campaigns - else they should start learning manners and move away if they do not wish to participate.

A small error, adventurer. On RP-Realms, it is meant to make considering of Roleplay activities. It is not named an RP-Realm due to having to respect the RPG story of the game. World of Warcraft is an MMORPG, and we have various realms with specific designations - and Argent Dawn is designated as a Roleplaying Realm for members of the MMO to create and fulfil their own stories. They used to have specific handling and rules, but I have not seen the naming rule enforced since BFA, nor the guideline against disrupting roleplayers.


Can just recommend not doing RP where current content is going on if its such a huge problem. Once the content moves on, so will people!

Edit: Referring to the mention of RP and dragon isles.

I believe from re-reading that the OP was talking about the RPG immersion of the gameplay, and not RP.


Possible! I just don’t see the problem here really, perhaps because I have played the game for such a long time and this is all old news, don’t really care about it in the grand scheme of things.

It’s an MMORPG.

You can’t stop people from using their mounts, they are there … to be used.
And I feel it all come across as a bit entitled and making a problem out of nothing when there are options such as single player games or classic.

Edit: Remember there is only so many hours in the week, not everyone have time to RP walk from A to B in order to please someone else over something so mudane as a quest.

But, I would like to give OP benefit of the doubt mind you.


Its quite possible, I think the main reason -why- it seems to bother you is because they obscure the NPC’s you are trying to get too, would be nice to enable a option to allow people to click on quest-npc’s through players.