Excessive Mount Use is Ruining RP Immersion

You can set an Interact key that does exactly that if you stand next to a quest NPC.

I knew about the “interact with nearby NPC” button, but I want to be able to CLICK through things, because I hate having to tumble looking around my keyboard for a very specific key.

How do you play this game?

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Control 1-6
Shift 1-6,
and QERF if I’m feeling spicy.

Yeah then you can manage setting a hotkey and use it. What you want becomes completely irrelevant when there’s a perfectly suitable solution.

No, let me click through players when they stand on top of NPC’s, I should not have to dig through a very specific hotkey that no-one has heard of or even knows it exists because Blizzard were being lazy.


This I agree with in theory, although making players “click through” around NPCs most likely is going to have different kind of problems…

Rather an invisible barrier on main questline NPCs so people can’t stand on them.

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They make use of this in a few places!
But a bit more of it I agree, would be nice.


And always have been. The rose tinted goggles have just gotten tighter around the collective heads of people as time marches on.

Have you considered perhaps a single player game? Fable perhaps? Elden Ring?

I’m not quite sure what the complaint here is. People will play the game as they wish to play and if it is so immersion breaking that you cannot function properly then I can only suggest to find greener pastures for yourself.

False, RP realms are simply PVE realms with special naming rules and an expectation of social etiquette around Roleplay activities.