Experience boost

I think its about time we received an exp boost for alts / new players. cata has been out for long enough. I’m trying to level my 1st character but the way its going i think it will take about 2 weeks. I’m trying to have a cataclysm experience not leveling :frowning:

It’s only 5 levels brother man, you don’t need xp buffs for that and we’re already on nerfed xp requirements anyway. 1-85 takes less than a week with heirlooms.


i got no heirlooms. and how less than week. maybe if u play all day

If this is your first character, why are you in such a hurry anyway. There is nothing at 85 to hurry about and there is no fomo to worry about. Valor and conquest caps are not on weekly maximum anymore. Even if you get to max level 5 weeks later, you have over 10k cap for catch up gear.

im in a hurry because i want to complete cataclysm content but getting there is kinda a slow process. giving 50% exp boost for 1 to 80 level players would be nice but i guess thats just me.

If u take +20 hours you are doing something wrong

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and this:

Boy, oh boy.

i dont get it.

You think 2 wekks is long 1-85 - I think you :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

for cataclysm its definetly long lmao. what are you on about

Laughing at your impatience.


you’re delusional

Delusional? means what here?
I see impatient Panda Monk complaining 2 week from 1-85 is too slow and I laugh.

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He says 80-85 not 1-85, and 2 weeks 80-85 is just playing 1h day

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no i meant 1-85. i didnt say 80-85 anywhere

The first reply said “it’s only 80-85” and u didnt say u mean 1-85

i replied to the last part
at least meant to :stuck_out_tongue:

He says in starting post:

and from context you see he means 1-85.

Just buy the lvl 80 boost if you are impatient -.-

Leveling is already insanely fast compared to the expansions before. You don’t get to finish any questing area before the mobs there turn grey, It is annoying.

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the boost costs 150 in my currency. and its not even 85 level its just 80. even if it was 85 its way too expensive lmao.