Ok few things to clarify. The expansion was out for not even a month so it’s way too early to drop on JJ-esque buff.
Now for the record all characters are under 10% EXP buff due to old Guild Perk being reworked into a personal buff. The 1-60 portion has been streamlined and now requires just staying within one continent and even then not all zones will be required. 60-80 portion is under exp requirement reduction so you should be done with them relatively fast especially if you mix in Dungeon Finder. In general you’ll want to do most dungeons at least once go get done with the quests as that’s also substantial portion of exp. 80-85 you’ll likely do within 4-5 days of rather light sessions not that it matters since you’ll likely have to do all zones regardless to get reputations with factions as that’s where portion of your pre-raid gear will come from (also you’ll need to meet requirements for Heroics so high level gear helps)
If there’s any actual feedback you would like to give about the topic you can do so through the suggestion box. Even if you don’t play the game you can login a free toon and add a suggestion.
I think it’s important to give Blizzard feedback through proper channels.
yes the suggestion is that its cataclysm. cata = modern wow. leveling shouldnt be taking this long. if you want to play wow for leveling experience play vanilla. they should give us exp boost so we can actually play the real expansion. done deal.
1-60 is also the part of this specific expansion. And no - Cata doesn’t equal retail and there’s little to no reason to speed things up just yet. We’ll probably get JJ before the next raid tier, maybe before Phase 2 even.
It is. they announced cata will be around for allmost exactly one year and then they will move on to MoP classic. MoP isn’t announced yet but they basically did by literally saying that cata classic will last a year.
I kinda don’t. After trying to level a Shaman in SoD (sadly with exp boost but that’s because it’s so darn hard to say no to the gold reward boost with how low the income to learn skills is) I’m feeling a bit burned out because there’s an abhorrent amount if downtime. Hell a friend offered me a help with getting Sham Rage and Lava Bolt Runes and wow… I spent almost an hour on travel waiting for Zeppelin and then walking all the way to Hillsbrad and then back to my leveling place in Batrens. I really can’t say that part is enjoyable