Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

I challenge anyone to list one upside of this system other than the fact that Blizzard couldn’t be bothered to implement the new feature in a way that doesn’t inconvenience everyone who frequently switches fly types.

This doesn’t affect anyone who exclusively uses dragonriding and normal flying, they are gonna switch once and be done with it so their input is irrelevant here. Everyone else who uses different types of flying for different purposes, just got a whole new button to bloat their bars further, a 5-second cast every time they want to switch the flying type (then another 5 seconds when you switch back), whereas up until yesterday, it was literally just a press of a different button.

I can’t believe how stupid of a system this is, why not have the button be instant and usable mid-flight if we need to have a button, and can’t just mark some mounts to be regular/sky riding ones? So people can’t “exploit” the system and do what they have been doing for a year now (having convenient options)?

Edit: to clarify, I’m only referring to swapping between sky riding and regular flying, sky riding itself is definitely a good thing.


It is. It is meant to inconvenience us. And when done right, inconveniences can be good for games.

But it is essentially a gutted feature. It would not feel so bad if we did not get to know what dynamic flying was :smiley:


We can use our good mounts now instead of being stuck with the same 5. Yea cool skins etc but still the fact I can now actually use invincible is great


I’m not referring to sky riding in general, the fact that it applies to all mounts which is of course a positive, I’m referring to the clunky system of switching between sky riding and normal flying that used to be just a single click of a different mount.


It’s not a 30 second cast with a 15 minute CD.
Frankly I’m surprised they only made it 5 seconds (not really a long time).

In the past they’ve have introduced it with a 30 second cast and then in a gesture of good will and listening to feedback reduced it to 5 seconds to immense gratitude of the delighted playerbase.


I dont see the problem. Y’all planning to switch flight style every couple of minutes? ill probably never even touch that button.


The change is awful. At the moment I use both type of mounts. Those using stead flight and those with sky riding. When the change goes live. When the change goes live I have to change every freaking time if with 5 sec cast time. I use my mounts situational and if I am stuck with one or the other flight style only because I did not change a toggle that is bad design.


At the moment I do exactly that. I have Sky riding mounts bound to one key bind and Steady flight to another. If the change goes life as it is it will be god awful.


Yes, as others have stated, we were doing it until this very update. You hop on a regular fly mount when you need fine control and quick convenience, and then you hop on a dragon riding mount when you’re moving longer distances, that’s why people had DF mounts and regular flying mounts on their action bars. This is no longer possible and is now purely a feature for people who like and don’t like sky riding.

I don’t even know where to begin with this comment. Unless it’s sarcasm, it could only have been made by a delusional WoW monogamer who hasn’t touched another game in a decade.

Please send me a source for this, because if true, that developer who originally proposed a 30-second cast with a 15-min CD should be fired from the entire industry never to touch another game, and I’m not even gonna acknowledge the conclusion you came to afterward.


Blizzard go on about caring about accessibility but they really only care about the appearance of caring about accessibility.

I can use dragonriding just fine getting from a to b or the races but when more precise control is needed I find it impossible and use a normal mount. Now I’m being penalised by having to keep wasting time switching between them.


I’d love a per-mount toggle in the mount collection list. Just a default setting for all mounts, and a manual toggle for mounts you’d like to use the other type of flying.


gram… ok but is a nonsense. B4 i could chose between the 2 flights now i have to toggle.
The solution was proposed by another poster: for each mount chose the type of flight you want and so be it.
I want the normal flight? i go with (for example) ashes of alar, dragonflight? Sinrunner and so on.


The actual 5 secs toggle it makes no sense.


Is there any way that they can introduce a mount equipment that locks a mount into a certain flight mode?

This would give us the choice to switch between 2 styles like before. I currently miss the option to just use different mounts for short/long distances at will.


The cast time when changing the type of flying has to go for starters. Make it a one click with no casting time.
Why aren’t there 2 buttons? one for all mounts and one per mount? Let me choose which system I want to use.
3rd make the choices account bound so I don’t have to repeat it.


Zen Flight has become a really useful ability.


Lol 5 seconds cast! The game must be unplayable


Sure, it’s worse than it was but it’s still pretty meh. It’s not really worth the half dozen posts I’ve seen on the forums recently. 5 seconds, it is a somewhat annoying length - not long enough to alt tab to forums and long enough to be irksome. But it’s still only 5 seconds.

Saying that, I won’t be using it (more than the first time to turn off Dragon Riding). So I’m not the best judge here.

Yes it is quite irritating.

When I exit the Orgrimmar portal room I want to use Steady flight right away without extra clicks. When I finish my thing in Orgrimmar I want to use my Sky riding right away without extra clicks.

It worked like this before the patch.


Get outta here.

It is worth judging by the fact that you’re seeing them. People complain about stuff that inconveniences them, and as you said, you’re not even gonna be using this so what’s the point of coming in and stating that it doesn’t matter?


yes ofc it doesnt worth the uprising against. But it is a very annoyin thing it would have been so easy to avoid…