Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

I don’t think I’ve ever used steady flying in df unless I’m flying around valdrakken

I do and I will give you just 3 of many other reasons I use it in DF

  • To hover near NPC while afking without getting hit by other mobs
  • For short distance flight
  • For precise landing (especially for the races)

Both types of flight have their use


Marking mounts for regular/skyriding would be the best idea for me, and indeed it’s a downgrade.


it seems like a painful fix though. i know not everyone does it, but most alts now i just use the random mount button. having to set a preferance for every mount in your collection seems a lot more annoying than just removing the 5 sec cd. :\

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it is a downgrade :slight_smile: you can use your mounts but they dont have their unique effects anyway. a selection of mounts that keep old style was probably to hard to code. its all or nothing


That is why we must have both options. One button for all (as it is now) and a button per mount.

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No they can fix this in the next 5 minutes if they don’t want a more comprehensive solution that would take more time, just remove the 5-sec cast time that should never have been added in the first place, and make it castable while mounted.

It would be a downgrade even then but you could macro it with a regular mount if it’s off-gcd, and it would function like it did. Like many things in the game, they can easily fix it they just choose not to.


Unfortunately this isn’t a good inconvenience.

It’s an unnecessary annoyance that wastes players time.


It definitely could be reduced to 2-3 seconds.

I would love to hear them talk for 8-10 minutes how this is a good thing for the game. All the small details of it, not just the toggling.


Should be an instant cast tbh…


I know it’s not perfect. But for the time being apparently the Otherworldly Ottuk is not a skywriting, but still flying mount. So you can keep that on your action bar for when needing to switch quickly.

edit well apparently it doesn’t work, because it just stays as a Ground mount if you don’t have steady flying selected /facepalm.

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What if you mount a mount that can’t skyride?
Do you fly steady without toggling?
Or does it behave like a ground mount until you toggle to steady?

Otherwise problem solved for now.

If your account did not have “skyriding” before this “upgrade”, all your flying mounts are now ground mounts only. And yes, I know there’s a button to swap to “normal” flying but that button is only there for accounts that had the dragonflying before this mess.
So Blizz just grounded me until I go play Dragonflight I guess lmao.


The addon LiteMount is updated if anyone wants to split his mounts between Sky riding and Dynamic flight

Still the cast time to change between flight modes must be removed!

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World PvP, perhaps? Or slowing down the player prefering a system that is easier to exploit for Bots? Idk.

We’ve been able to switch freely between dragonriding and regular flying for more than a year.

Now we can’t.

It’s a strict downgrade. It’s very annoying and unnecessary. It should be reversed. Period.

And to the people saying, “I’m not even going to use it, so it doesn’t matter”. Well, a lot of people DO use it and to them it DOES matter. You may also not play mythic+ and therefore not care about that either, but a lot of people DO play mythic+ and to them it DOES matter. Why are you even in here derailing the argument if it doesn’t matter to you?


Before :
I was on a sky ridding mount and wanted to switch, I landed, casted a new mount : time 1.5sec

Now :
I am on a sky ridding mount, I want to switch, I land, I cast the spell (5sec), then cast a mount (1.5sec). Time : 6.5sec

So… How is it not a nerf? You spend 4x more time than before, and you have to click more time. It’s not progress. Reasoning behind it? Who knows… Not sure even they know


Yeah, this would not cause such an uproar I think if we had not come to know the dynamic flying already. Taking something so awesome away from players (or butchering it) so soon is the main cause of the discontent, I feel.


Sky riding seems to be bit bugged too, I’ve got dismounted mid air couple of times, like when flying inside Blackrock Mountain.