Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

5 sec cast is obviously downgrade and still Blizz are silent on the issue. Probably hoping it will go unnoticed and ppl will just forget everything eventually or even better asap.


At least let druids choose which flight form we use independent of the global setting!


It allows you to use older mounts to dragonfly/dragonride now :+1:

I’m referring to the switching system compared to just clicking on a different mount on your action bars, I even clarified this in the main post…

In true Blizzard fashion, they want to inconvenience people for no other reason than to be an annoyance.


It is. Before i had a mount that could normal fly for precision, and then an other one for fast flying. I had both of them on display depends what i needed and i hopped on the one served my quest better. This is just silly how it is now. Their dev guy needs firing.


Personally i don’t care they could remove old style flying tomorrow and i would propably never even notice it being gone.

Allow us to assign flying styles to mounts instead of a global setting…

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Why haven’t they done anything about this ?! I guess if the thread is not about transgenders or politics it is not important to them.

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Clunky system is actually there by design. Blizz wants you to train skyriding as it is faster, but still gives you option not to opt out if you don’t want to.