Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

Flying bad. Should’ve never been introduced. All it does is trivialize any and all open world content and breaks game immersion. Too bad they can’t remove it now, after having it for over 20 years. :C

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57000 wouldn’t be a majority either. This amount of likes is significant on the forums because posts here generally don’t get more than a handful. It’s a downgrade and people don’t want it.

Also it’s funny that you picked the lowest number I gave because it suits your agenda. Actually scratch that, you picked a lower number than the lowest I gave. Some honesty right here.

Also also, comparing a complaint about an annoyance/inconvenience in a video game that didn’t exist until a few days ago to an important real life activity… yeah, more dishonest arguing from you. Might as well quit the game and not care about it because taxes are more important.


No I picked the lowest number cause its funny watching you spew words over flying on a 20+ year old game like its your life.

I could have used either number to explain its not a majority, If you have a problem with said flying.

  • Using the in-game “Submit Feedback” option that is found on the Support menu.
    1. Press the Esc key to open the Game Menu, and click Support.
    2. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
    3. Click Submit a suggestion.
    4. Follow the guidelines on the submission form, and enter your suggestion.
    5. Click Submit.

Instead of clogging this forum with whine posts thanks, Though if you want to quit the game go ahead nobody is stopping you… Though I’ll take your gold off you if you like.

Have fun tho I hope you get what you’re asking for I guess :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

This guy is an actual parasite not worth arguing with, look at how he squirmingly tries to paint every comment into an immature rant that doesn’t matter in the grand scope of life because we could after all be doing taxes instead of playing a 20-year-old game :clown_face:

Gaslighters and contrarians are the bottom feeders of social media platforms and this here is no different. He has no arguments he can use, so all that remains is to tear down the strawman by making it seem like we’re fools who are slamming our heads on the wall because of this change.


It’s a game I play a lot and pay for, of course I’m going to complain when a QoL goes down for no justifiable reason. An activity or product I engage with doesn’t have to be my whole life in order to have complaints about it when it’s changed.

Yet you picked 57, a number lower than the lowest offered, because that suited your narrative a lot more than 700, or combined number being well over 1000.

I’m not quitting any time soon and you’re not in the right to tell thousands of people that their complaints aren’t valid simply because you’re personally indifferent about the issue. Speaking of spewing words about silly things, complaining about someone else complaining about an issue you don’t care about is quite up there. Good job.

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Think I’ll do the same I’m gonna watch the OP and others have a meltdown over something that is a non issue.

Love tea tho :rofl:

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There he goes with the meltdown thing again even after being called out know his clown ways. Lovely to see you found your soulmate tho, I suggest you party up and go be dismissingly aloof in another post because forums need more tax advice.


Keep going bro show the entire forum thread how unhinged you are its honestly comical.


Rather be unhinged than a sneaky gaslighter, I’ll continue to do so for as long as Blizzard keeps degrading QoL for no reason.

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For me it is not an issue, but I can understand that people dislike the 5 seconds for various reasons.
My guess is that these 5 seconds are not there to annoy people, but my guess is that behind the scenes the system that handles the dynamic stuff or other whatever thing that affects dynamic flying needs to be loaded.

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It is really intriguing why people her are so toxic for no good reason. It is a downgrade, and it’s hard to argue with that. Again marking mounts would be the best idea for me, you want skyriding Invincible, you mark it, you want steady flight Invincible, you mark it, same for druid forms… only disadvantage here is for people that use random mounts, but this is really not a problem, just leave it like it is now, and add an option to marks mounts for players that want this.


idk, i like the animation of the rocket surfing board mount.

This is where you are wrong. People have issue with the new system and I’m tired of people’s compulsive need to defend Blizzard’s screw ups, including objectively bad design. I’m opposed to the mindset that we should find solutions for bad design instead of demanding a good design. And I am tired of people neglecting problems just because it’s not a problem for THEM


If that is the reason I’d be fine with it.
As long as it was not added so Blizzard can sell animations like the hearthstone.

What is interesting is that is not a new problem. I saw 2 threads on the beta forum. And Blizzard never said anything about the change.

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But for the whole of DF we could switch between steady and dynamic flight just by clicking on different types of mounts. So it is really hard to believe that all of a sudden this should cause technical issues! And if it does for some unfathomable reason, they could just tell us.

As much as I hate to say this, the reason for the 5 second cast time for the toggle is, most likely, that somebody at Blizz thought this is actually a good idea.


For me that’s not even the issue. They can have any opinion they want.
But the outright aggressive, vile replies when you dare disagree with them is beyond all decency as far as I am concerned. It’s not worth a reply; so I simply flag and move along.

You are one of the few in this thread who can speak in a civilized manner on this topic. So allow me to reply (I still won’t discuss the topic anymore; but this is about another matter):

I understand that, I do. But on the other hand; I’m not going to fight your battle for you.
There will always be people who have a different opinion and that should be fine. We, as players, are all in this for ourselves. It is not our duty or obligation to ‘care about other players’ fun’. It is fine to only care about your own fun.

It is the developers’ job to try and make ‘everyone’ happy. If they would neglect an issue because it’s not an issue for THEM, then we’d have a serious problem.

I hope you understand where I’m coming from.

And to be clear: I’m not saying that players shouldn’t care about other’s opinions; they absolutely can (and it ‘would be nice’). But we shouldn’t hold it against them if they don’t. Imo anyway.

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In my opinion this wouldn’t have been such a problem if Blizzard just came and told us why they added a 5 sec cast time. But they are totally silent on the issue.

  • Is it a technical issue?
  • Is it because they don’t have enough resources to Copy + Paste the addon Lite mount?
  • Something else?

What exactly is the reason for the change.


I completely agree.

I just remembered that the actual dragon riding mounts could easily fly like regular flying mounts prior to lvl 60 and up until the prepatch, so no way is it a technical issue. Maybe they don’t have a way to quickly assign the correct flag for mounts that can do both but that doesn’t sound plausible at all.

I can’t remember if DF mounts could start dragon riding once you hit 60 without a relog or not.


Very true some people in this sub are super weird hostile over a non issue and seem to resort to insults as a means to justify their issues regarding something that isn’t an issue very strange.