Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

I’m just using regular flying for now. I genuinely cannot be bothered switching between the two. Sure skyriding can get me places a bit faster but I’d rather travel for a couple seconds longer than have to constantly manually switch between the two styles.

So, ironically, by enabling skyriding for most mounts, Blizzard made me use it less.


did a few reports on it in beta. but considering my account is still bugged in areas without help coming (one day the dragonscale expedition will offer me the climbing quest, i know i’m full renown, but no. no climbing quest, yep everything else done and dusted. no climbing. don’t know either).

i doubt we’ll see many changes from beta part of that is the amount of reports and another part is… they just want it this way.

Nice to see I’m not the only player wondering what the Heehaw they were thinking with this.

Skyriding - Good, fast A to B. Bad for precision flying/hovering.
Normal Flying - Great for precision flying/hovering, a wee bit slow compared to Skyriding.

I don’t think it was a system that needed to be changed, sorry “Upgraded”.


It is a gutted feature, we should call it for what it is.

gutted. butchered.


If those people left the forums it would be a massive improvement, the “oh no the sky is falling” patrol that comes out to mock every complaint they disagree with.

Nuts, it just can’t be used as a convenience feature anymore, you gotta make a call in advance whether you plan on using one type or the other for some time. Trying to use it the same way and continuously casting the stupid 5-sec thing just destroys momentum.

Blizzard screwed up and that is it. Stop trying to be a fan boy and defend them. We had a perfectly working system.

Either remove the 5sec cast time and make it an instant cast or let us assign dynamic flight to individual mounts.
It sounds like a small thing but it’s actually not, using mounts is such a big part of most activities you get to do. Such a shame.


Working as intended. They’ve been wanting to get rid of normal flying since a week after they introduced it, when they realized how much it broke the game. Their goal os to make normal flying as inconvenient as possible compared to the new system, so people eventually stops using it and they can remove it.

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I used notmal flying for short hops and Dragonriding for longer flights.
I am now locked into using one type and it sucks.


So why don’t they remove it? Inconveniencing people into not using it is nearly as antagonistic as removing it outright so why beat around the bush?

They aren’t trying to remove normal flying they are only maniacally trying to account for every possible exploit that some loser somewhere will be inevitably trying to do.

They are incapable of prioritizing fun and convenience over “balance” and making the game have 20 different qualifiers in every system, to account for 20 potential outcomes they deem undesirable.

Aka - fun police.

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I bet it will be a pathfinder “feature.”

I’m fine with that. Pathfinder is easier to unlock every expansion.

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I never stop wondering why whoever is in charge of UX is still in charge.


Honestly we have this useless ability .

Why not just remodel it so it activates ordinary flying , and when you press the other skyriding abilities you go into skyriding mode .
I mean it would be supper simple and user friendly .

But no … you add this trash 5 sek ability to switch between modes , when people complained about it in beta . Hell you even had the time to fix the workaround people found , that was the ottuk mount .

Guess it is time to bin skyrinding and go back to steady flying .


At least if they could have made the button clickable during flight.
It’s really annoying me having set off on a dragon only to realise I’ve still got it set to steady flight. Having to land, click the button…then set off again, that is if I haven’t been attacked because I chose the wrong place to land. :angry:


It’s an enormous kick in the danglies for Druids


They should at least reduce the cast to 3 seconds. Would still be awful, but a bit less annoying.

Removing the cast altogether would be the best option, but I don’t have much faith in that.

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It would also be so very logical because it would almost restore the state we had throughout the whole of Dragonflight.

It’s like the cast time on changing specs. They don’t want us to switch every time on the slightest of inconveniences. It might be a downgrade, but obviously Blizzard never intended for people to heavily use both styles and instead pick one and stick to it.

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No, not quite, because we could not change between specs instantly for all of Dragonflight. Also, by contrast, changing specs is something you (or I or most or many) do much less often than switching flight modes.

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I switch specs more often than flight styles.